Dr. Trevor Cates, The Woman's Doctor

Click here to check out the new The Woman’s Doctor podcast where Dr. Trevor Cates interviews colleagues and other wellness experts to get to the root cause of health struggles.


The Spa Dr Podcast Guests

The Spa Dr. Podcasts

Imagine feeling fit, energetic, and confident at any age. Tune in every Thursday for new interviews with industry-leading health experts, and unlock the most advanced solutions to achieving glowing skin, a strong body, and a balanced mind. Live your healthiest life from the inside out.

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Stress and Your Skin

Stress and Your Skin

Stress shows up on our skin in many ways – acne, eczema, psoriasis, dullness, dryness, oiliness, sensitivities and irritations as well as premature aging… so I want to help you address these issues!

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Sugar and your Skin on Skin Stories

Sugar and Your Skin

Welcome to Today’s episode of The Spa Dr. Skin Stories. Today, I’m covering Sugar, Cravings, and Your Skin. I’m Dr. Trevor Cates, author of Clean

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Hormones and Your Skin The Spa Dr Skin Stories

Hormones and Your Skin

Your skin is your magic mirror and gives you important clues about your overall health and vitality. And, this series is about telling your skin’s stories – it’s time to listen and stop covering up skin problems. Let’s get to the root cause to help your skin and your wellbeing.

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