Lifestyle – The Spa Dr. Blog

Step into the essence of holistic living at our little corner of the internet for all things, enjoying a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Cultivate mindfulness, stress relief, and lifestyle choices rooted in medical wisdom, from celebrating your natural beauty to healthy tips, book recommendations, and more. This blog is here to nurture both your body and soul.

Safeguarding Your Skin | Practical Solutions for Outdoor Sports

Safeguarding Your Skin | Practical Solutions for Outdoor Sports

It’s only natural that when the weather is nicer, we are more active. Participating in outdoor sports is good for the body and the soul. You get a necessary dose of Vitamin D, and the sunshine naturally uplifts your mood. Despite these benefits, it is important to not forget about skin protection as you hit the trails, work on improving your golf swing or whatever else the outdoors may be calling you to do!

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