On today’s podcast we’re talking about how to turn your health and life around.
My guest is Reena Jadhav. She is a Harvard MBA and graduated summa cum laude with a BSc. from Wharton, University of Pennsylvania. She is also an advisor to numerous startups in Silicon Valley and has a passion for disruptive ideas that transform the human experience and create meaningful lasting change.
She had colon cancer at 35 years old and another health crisis at 45 which led her to take charge and become the CEO of her own health. She refused to accept conventional doctors telling her she would have to live with her 28 symptoms indefinitely and spent 15 months getting back her health. Today she is healthier and happier than she has ever been, and is on a mission to spread the truth about health.
On Today’s podcast, Reena shares about her journey, shares tips to take charge of your health to prevent or transform your health.
To learn more about Reena and her health boot camps, go to www.healthbootcamps.com
Trevor: Hi there. I’m Doctor Trevor Cates. Welcome to the Spa Doctor Podcast. On today’s podcast, we’re talking about how to turn your health and your life around. My guest is Reena Jadhav. He’s a Harvard MBA, and she’s an advisor to numerous startups in Silicon Valley and has a passion for disruptive ideas that transform the human experience and create meaningful, lasting change. On a personal note, she had colon cancer at 35 years old, and another health crisis at 45 years old. Which, this all lead her to take charge and become the CEO of her own health. So, she really shifted her focus, and she refused to accept what conventional doctors were telling her, that she would have to live with her 28 symptoms indefinitely, and spent 15 months getting back to her health. Today, she is healthier and happier than she’s ever been, and is on a mission to spread the truth about health.
Trevor: And on today’s podcast, Reena shares about her journey, shares tips to help you take charge of your health so you can prevent issues as well as transform your health and your life. So, please enjoy this interview.
Trevor: Reena, it’s so great to have you on my podcast. Welcome.
Reena: Thank you so much, Doctor Trevor. I’m super excited to be here. Thank you for having me.
Trevor: Yeah, absolutely. So, you have this pretty amazing health journey and some challenges that have come up for you. You don’t have a medical background, but you have a business background, which is kind of different from other guests that I’ve had on the show. And you’ve done some really interesting things that, from your own path and your own experience in life, have led you on a really interesting mission. So, can you share with everybody a bit about your journey?
Reena: Absolutely? So, I’m a tech entrepreneur. I’m a Harvard MBA [inaudible 00:02:01] undergrad … your typical, working too much, maybe partying a little too much kind of DNA. And at 35, in the middle of one of my startups, I had colon cancer. And that was my body giving me a huge signal, not that I had time to listen to it. So, I had my surgery and continued on with another startup. And about two years ago, I had my second crisis, and I call it my “way bigger crisis,” because I had about 28 symptoms, including extreme weight loss. I was losing a pound a week while eating 2,000 calories a day, and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. My tests kept coming clear.
Reena: And so, the conventional doctors, all amazing doctors, very qualified, tested me on every imaginable thing, including cancer, because the concern was I might have cancer again. And basically came back and said, “You know what? You’re the healthiest sick person we know. So, we think you might be depressed. We think you might be anorexic. You’re not telling us the truth about what you’re eating. And oh, by the way, here’s Prednisone. ‘Cause you’re right, you do have some crazy symptoms. Like, you have hives all over you. You have rashes. You’re losing this weight. So, we think if you take Prednisone, it’ll just normalize things for you and you should just go away.”
Reena: And I had this little breakdown. Sort of, what? What do you mean, go away? What do you mean, it’s like you’re done with me? I have to figure this out on my own? And so, it was one of those moments of, I could have just gone in one direction, which is what [inaudible 00:03:27] the rest of the world does. They take Prednisone, they take antidepressants, and they continue with the “you’re getting older, deal with it,” which is what I was told.
Reena: Or you can do what I did, which is, I said, “No. That cannot be the rest of my life.” Supposedly, technology’s gonna make us live really long. And this is no way to live. I would breath, and I would hive out. And so, I decided to then figure it out for myself, and I spent 15 months, and I figured it out, and I healed myself. I reversed every symptom. But Doctor Trevor, what’s interesting, what happened in this journey is that I came out of it healthier, happier. Apparently younger-looking, as my friends tell me. And I had the second ah-ha moment of, wait, I could have lived this life all my life. I could have been this joyful, and happy, and cheerful. I didn’t have to live with the fatigue and the exhaustion of the aches and the pains, which kicked in around mid-20s and stayed all the way through.
Reena: And so, the mission I’m on is to share the truth with everyone that we are a sick nation, we’re living in a polluted garbage dump, which we don’t see around us, but that’s what we are. We’re living in this garbage slum. We are breathing toxins, wearing toxins, eating toxins, thinking toxins, watching toxins, and that can get out of it. And we can not only get out of it, we can lead happier, healthier lives. And I call myself the “PR agency for the sun.” For chlorella, for all the things out there that have no PR agents. For doctors like yourself, for doctors like Doctor Joel Kahn, Doctor Mace [Fibel 00:05:10], Doctor Kenealy. Doctors that are MDs who are committed to natural healing. I’m sort of the PR agency for them at this point.
Trevor: And I think that’s great, because doctors are busy seeing patients, so they don’t always have time to do that kind of message, and also with … Sometimes, it might appear self-serving when they say, “Oh, I can do these things to help you.” It can seem self-serving, and there’s a trust concern, and so it’s always nice when patients or people that have been through this journey share it with other people, because then people know it’s not just doctors trying to make more money, or build their practice or something. There really is a story behind it, and there’s a reason behind it, and there is success.
Trevor: And because … A lot of times, with holistic medicine, people look down at it as … I’ve heard everything from, “Oh, that’s voodoo stuff,” to, “Witchcraft,” to … I’ve heard all kinds of things. And it’s shocking to me, because I know there’s so much science now behind it. And at the same time, I also know that research itself is flawed. You can make a study show just about anything. So, we need that … I mean, I love research. I think it’s important to have. But, we also need these patient stories. We need to know these case studies and things in addition to the research. And we’ve got the history behind holistic medicine to support it, but it’s gonna take a lot more effort, because there’s not the same kind of money. The pharmaceutical industry has a lot of money behind it. And doctors just don’t have that. People think, oh, doctors have a lot of money. But not compared to big pharma.
Reena: Absolutely. Absolutely. And we talk about research and conventional medicine as science-based, and yet, the statistics of it, every five to seven years, we reverse whatever we were saying. Right? “Eggs are bad for you.” “Eggs are not that bad for you.” “Fat is bad for you.” “Now, fat is good for you.” So, we know exactly what you said, that research keeps coming up with changes and dramatic changes. What doesn’t change is how you feel.
Reena: And so, that’s one of my other missions that I’m on, is to empower people to say, “You know how your body feels. You need to learn that skill of listening to yourself, and not blindly following was research is saying.” Because research may not be right. You know, they were saying forever, “Take asprin every day. Take asprin.” And now, I just recently did an interview where one of the doctors said, “I don’t recommend it. It’s contraindicated for people below 60.”
Reena: So, there’s so much conflicting research. While we’re able to sell pills using that research, I firmly believe that the mantra people need to feel is “how do you feel.” Take something. Make a note, be mindful. How do you feel? And if you feel better, continue doing it. If you don’t feel better, change it. Don’t just follow the research blindly.
Trevor: Yeah. And sometimes, it does take time to feel better with something. Initially, sometimes, when you give up caffeine for example, you might get some wicked headaches. It doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s bad for you. So yeah, sometimes it takes a little time and a little patience, but yes, checking in with your body and using that as a tool. I always talk about skin being our magic mirror that gives us a lot of information about our health. So, checking in with your body. What messages is it trying to tell you? And skin is one of them, and that’s just been one focus that I have presented because it’s just easy to look at your skin. But, noticing how you feel is such a huge thing, because I think so many people don’t … Like you were saying, people don’t even know how good they can feel. Because they’ve been living so long in chronic pain, or fatigue, insomnia. These things that … Or, inflammation, inflammatory conditions that they don’t even know what’s possible.
Reena: Exactly. I remember after my second child … So, I’ve got an 18 and a 13. My 13-year-old, when she was born, about eight months later, I remember going into the doctor saying, “You know, I just don’t feel right. I’m so exhausted, no matter what I do. I’m having my multivitamins. I just feel exhausted to the point where I can’t speak I get so tired.” And I remember her saying, bless her heart, “Welcome to motherhood. What do you expect? This is how it is.”
Reena: And now, fast forward, what? Like 20 year … Well, okay, from my little one, 13 years. And I wake up in the morning jumping out of bed. Of course, I’ve not had caffeine now in 18 months. No caffeine. Pretty much no sugar other than fruit sugar. So, I don’t have any artificial stimulants, not even green tea. So, when I wake up full of energy and I’m running four miles in the morning, and I’m having a full day, having my first breakfast meal around 11:00. I know that that’s possible for everybody. That it’s not true that we have to live with fatigue and energy that is just part of motherhood. It’s because of the lifestyle that we’ve been leading.
Reena: The other thing you mentioned, I have to share my story about skin. So, you know, Doctor Trevor, one of the first symptoms for me was skin. It was hives. So, I woke up one morning, and I had hives on my face. And they kind of went away. A week later, more hives. Third week, my eyelids were shut almost. You know, rashes, they started becoming bigger welts, so that the hives would clump and become welts. As you can imagine, as a woman, as a tech entrepreneur, how do I leave home looking like this? So, it became one of my first reasons to rush to the doctor and say, “What the hell’s wrong with me? Fix my skin.”
Reena: As it turns out, it’s the intestines. Chinese medicine and Ayurveda firmly believe that your gut is your skin. So, what’s inside is right here. And so, the first thing that those guys said to me was, “There’s something wrong with your gut.” So, that’s how I figured out what was wrong with me. It was those guys saying, “There’s something up with your gut.” And then, we found sea bowel. And then we found a whole bunch of other stuff, and it was all gut, and it was all showing up right here. So, now, when I meet people who complain about acne, and allergies, or rashes, hives, redness, rosacea, I always say, “Go get your gut checked out.”
Trevor: Yes. It’s definitely one of the big root causes behind skin issues. I definitely find that to be the case. And then, you’ve also mentioned to me that going through menopause had a big impact on your skin, too. Do you want to share anything about that?
Reena: Yeah. So, in the middle of all of this crisis, I went through menopause. A little early. As my [guynee 00:12:25] would say, “Not really. 48’s normal.” I wasn’t 48 then, but she said, “Ah, you’re just a couple years out.” But to me, I thought menopause was far away. It was so far in the distance, it was not in my horizon, so when it hit, my FSH numbers came back and short of shook me. Like whoa, can’t believe I’m already that old.
Reena: With that said, within six months of being first diagnosed with, yup, you’re in menopause full-fledged, I started noticing … I would look at the skin, and I would say, “What’s going on with my eyes?” My eyes started getting those folds. Where when you smile, there’s all these wrinkles underneath. That was a first. And then, I started to notice this complete sagging. Like, stuff was just … You know, like in those cartoons where stuff just starts to melt. It was like that. It was like, what’s happening? I was starting to see stuff down here, and down here, and the wrinkles started popping up six months. And, I tried … the stuff people recommend. Like, go buy the really expensive caviar cream, and all of that stuff, and it just didn’t feel right. I said, “I’ve become so tuned to listen to myself.”
Reena: And so, I did a whole bunch of stuff, and as you can see, it all went away. And I call it my “weeds program.” Because it really got something I got addicted to because it was working. And we … [inaudible 00:13:55] for what you wear. And I switched to putting argan oil, and just different oils. So, I switched out of the old stuff just to pure oils. Jojoba, carrot, that kind of stuff.
Reena: E for exercising. So, I started doing exercises that bring blood to your skin. So, Bikram yoga is one of my favorites. I’ll do it twice a week, and just all this blood just rushing, gushing around your face, kind of clears, I think, things out. It takes nutrients up.
Reena: And detoxifying for the D. Really important. I bought an infrared sauna. And I sit in it, and I make sure I get all the crap out. And so, supplements. I started making sure that I was going collagen. I started eating chicken liver. I started having more Jell-O, like gelatin pudding. Just taking things in that I hadn’t ever, ever taken before. And it kind of worked.
Trevor: Yeah. That’s great. And I think that there’s a lot in there that you said that can be beneficial for people. I think some things are personalized. That was a plan that worked really well for you. I can’t say that that’s gonna work for everybody. Not everybody does great with Bikram yoga. For example, sometimes people don’t do well with that heat, and can be too rough on people, especially that have a lot of adrenal issues.
Trevor: But certainly, there’s a lot of the things in there. Getting some internal collagen. Collagen peptides. Increased blood flow, and detoxification, and all of those things are really important for us to do. And really, cleaning up your life, that’s a lot of what you did, is just cleaning things up. And that’s why I talk things … talk about this in my book, “Clean Skin from Within,” is that whole approach of, what can you do to clean up from the inside out? What can you do to have more of a clean lifestyle so that your body can address those root causes, like inflammation, and hormonal imbalances, and gut issues? And then, collagen is also helpful for healing the gut, too. So, that’s another thing that could have been really helpful for you. So, that’s great that … And you said that you’re not wearing any makeup right now. You just have some lotion on your face, yup.
Reena: That’s right. I’m not. I thought, for this episode, I would just come as I am. I just have an eyeliner from … actually, probably last night. ‘Cause it’s one of those hardcore ones. And I’m just wearing a moisturizer, actually. That’s it. So, I pretty much spend my days with no makeup these days. I don’t feel like I need to cover up anymore. And I feel like it allows my skin to breathe so much. So yeah, I feel very blessed that I was able to figure it out for me, and like you said, I think people just have to take the time to figure it out for themselves in terms of what’s gonna work for them. And you have amazing products. I love your products.
Trevor: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yes, and certainly, they’re very clean, and nourishing, and help with the skin PH, skin microbiome. It’s very supportive and nourishing to the skin. Thank you.
Trevor: So, I want to back up for a little bit. The life you used to live. Can you describe people, kind of what a day in your life was like then versus what it’s like now? ‘Cause I think it would be interesting for people to see the difference.
Reena: Oh, what a great question. What a great question. So, my life pretty much since, I would say, the age of 15 … Starting 15, kind of the high school craziness of school, getting grades, then going to college, then working in undergrad, then my first job, my second job, my grad school, and my four startups before I got sick, pretty much had the same kind of pattern. Which is … And I’ll give an example, just from my most recent, last startup. It was a company that became a multi-billion-dollar company. I was here in the US. The company was based out of Israel. I was head of US, chief marketing officer. And so, I would start my day actually around midnight, because I would start to interact with the CEO, and we’d strategize, and we’d give updates, et cetera. I’d go to bed around probably 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. And then, I’d be up at 6:30, 7:00 to get my kids off, even though we had a live-in nanny, but still, to get the kids off, get them taken care of. And then, start my day. ‘Cause my day would start around eight o’clock.
Reena: And so, eight o’clock onwards, I would be on the go. So, whether I was flying to Las Vegas to sell something, or flying to New York. Or, I was going to meetings an hour away. I live in the bay area. Everything’s about an hour, hour-and-a-half away. So, fighting that commute. And in that time, of course, I was chugging down about four to five cups of coffee a day. And that’s been consistent my whole life. I would start with … cup of coffee, and then chug another, chug another, chug another. Lunch was very haphazard. It just depended on where I was, and what was convenient. So, if a vending machine was convenient, then that would be lunch. If a restaurant was convenient, then whatever it was, that’s what I would go for. There was not much mindfulness in terms of, hey, what am I having for lunch? How am I nourishing myself? That concept of how am I nourishing myself never existed.
Reena: So, lunch was always kind of on the run, and then back to meeting, meeting, meeting. And lot of firefighting. Always a lot of angst. ‘Cause in a startup, things are never going right. So, it was a lot of highs and lows. Oh my God, we closed a customer. Oh my God, someone’s about to leave us. So, someone’s leaving, or someone’s coming [inaudible 00:19:50] chief executive, or CEO, which again, I did that role. There’s a lot of stress. It was sort of … that mode, all the way ’til I’d get home. And I would usually grab food on the way from some restaurant for the family, and then we’d sit down, hurriedly eat, get the kids to bed, and try to unwind for maybe an hour or so before then starting my night shift.
Reena: And that was, in essence, my lifestyle pretty much since I could remember. Even when I was studying, that’s how I would study. I would just study, study, study, study, ’cause that’s what it takes to get into good schools. Today, it’s the exact opposite. So, today, my entire day is structured around, how am I going to nourish myself? So, first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is, I actually do a meditation. So, I did a couple of Kriyas with [satguru 00:20:45], so I start with my with [shambuvi 00:20:47] and Shakti Chalana. So, it’s either a 25-minute or an hour, depending on how much time I have in the morning.
Reena: I’ll do my little oil pulling, I’ll do my Zach Bush’s nitric oxide dump workout in the bathroom. And then, depending again, whether it’s 30 minutes or more, I’ll either go for a quick run in the sun, ’cause for me, the sun is the most important thing. Just even 20 minutes. I’m actually looking at the sun right now going, oh, I’m looking forward to doing that later this afternoon. So, just getting out in the sun, and then I’ll start my day. And I’ll make sure to have a green drink of some sort, so that’s the whole alkalinity part of it. So, whether it’s just a green smoothie, or an amazing grass green drink.
Reena: My lunch is always extremely nutritious, made fresh. So, I’ll make a combination of protein … So, whether that’s quinoa and some vegetables, or I added seafood, I added fish. So, I’ll do a salmon … And pretty much that’s the only fish I take. I’ll add a little salmon in. Or, I’ll do a minced chicken liver, depending on how I’m feeling. With again, maybe a portion of white rice and some vegetables. So, that’s my lunch every day. I always take a break after lunch. So, lunch means I’m sitting in the sun with my feet on the ground, re-grounding myself, and then I’ll take maybe 15, 20 minutes just to close my eyes.
Reena: And then, after that, I am back to work. So, once I’m back to work, I then go into my dinner mode. Pretty much around six o’clock or so, dinner is always something that I cook for the family. I’ll make something fresh. I go to the farmers market. So, there’s always fresh vegetable. And it’ll be a combination of maybe lentils, maybe pillow. We do do a lot of Indian cooking at home because of all the spices, which are so good for you. So, we’ll do that. Family time. Maybe a little stroll outside, and a little workout, and in bed 10:30 or 11:00 absolutely the latest.
Trevor: Great. And that’s fantastic. I think it’s great for people to hear one extreme to the other. And you’ve certainly have gone from one extreme to the other. And I think we all, anybody listening or watching, we all either have related to these extremes, or those places of high work, high intensity and not really nurturing yourself. We either have done it ourselves, or we know people who are doing it right now. And so, I think it’s good to catch ourselves before getting sick like you did. Because if we continue on that path, there’s a really good chance at some point, it’s gonna catch up with you.
Trevor: And I do see it. And people will say to me, “Oh, but so-and-so’s living like this, and they eat whatever, they smoke, or they would drink, or whatever.” The problem is, is most of the time, it catches up at some point. It could be in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. You never know when that exactly is gonna happen, but it usually does happen. And instead of waiting for that to hit the wall and have all these health issues, take advantage of learning from someone like yourself and your story. And make those changes now. The lifestyle that you’re living now, not everybody can shift into that right away. It can take time for people to gradually make healthy lifestyle choices. So, do you have any suggestions to how to go from over here, one extreme, to all the way over here? Because it’s not … You probably didn’t wake up one day and then all of a sudden be living the way you’re living right now, right?
Reena: Not at all. I did thousands of changes before even figuring out what worked for me. And so, what I’m leading now is a culmination of almost 16 months of going through, and experimenting, and testing, and figuring it out. But you are so right. Now that I’m on this mission, I’m out there telling everybody around me, “Wake up, wake up. Don’t get sick like I did. It’s awful.” ‘Cause you really don’t value health until you lose it. And please, everyone out there who’s listening, listen to this. Once you lose it, you realize it’s actually the only thing that matters in life.
Reena: I would have given up everything at that point, that one night in that bathroom when I had my breakdown. I would have traded everything. I would have given everything and gone and lived as a homeless person if someone had said, “That’s the trade off. Give everything up, become homeless, and I’ll give you your health back.” I would have said, “It’s a deal. You got it.” So, when you lose your health, you realize how pretty much your entire life experience is based on the fact that you have health. So, treasure it. It’s literally the most important gift God’s given you.
Reena: And so, with that said, here’s the book that I’m writing. It’s about the little changes. So, Malcolm Gladwell’s on to something when he says, tipping point in his book, “It’s the little changes. But you have to pick the right changes, and they’ll make huge difference.” And I’ve applied that to health. So, I brought a set of business learning into health.
Reena: And here’s what I’ve found. There’s a few simple changes that you start making every day. So, you don’t make all the changes immediately. It starts, first of all, with your mind. So, the first thing I recommend is, make that mental commitment to health. Because if you don’t do that, nothing else is gonna happen. So, how do you make a mental commitment? Write a journal. Write it down on a piece of paper. Get your cell phone, write in that. You wake up, you say, “I am committing to my health. My health comes first.” So, you’re starting to commit to yourself, it’ll change the psychology of everything else around you. It’s remarkable how that works. Or, look in the mirror and say, “You’re important to me. Your health is important to me. I care about you.” And again, it’ll change how you make decisions. Our subconscious is so powerful. So, that’s the first thing I say. You’ve got to start with vocalizing this commitment of my health comes first.
Reena: Number two. Sleep forgives everything. If you can fix your sleep, so many of your other issues and ills, as they say, kind of got sorted out, because your body when it sleeps, fixes your mistakes when you’re awake. How do you fix your sleep? There’s a lot of different things you can do. It’s again, figuring it out, what are you doing that’s wrong that’s making you not sleep at night? For example, watching television in your bedroom. That’ll ruin it. I don’t allow TV in your bedroom anymore. It was a huge fight. We watch TV outside the bedroom. The bedroom is a TV-free zone. What that does now is, when I walk into the bedroom, my mind goes, fsh. I’m ready to sleep, ’cause that’s what it is. It’s a place for rest.
Reena: So, create your bedroom as a place for rest. There’s so many wonderful things like camomile tea you can take. There’s a stress ease supplement that I take, kind of [ashraband 00:27:53] et cetera. Simple magnesia. That, really again, helps calm you down. If you’re deficient, you’ll have sleep issues. So, figuring out why you’re not sleeping, but I would say, sleep is the second most important little thing. If you sleep at midnight, start sleeping at 11:45. Then 11:30. Then 11:20. So, don’t go from 12:45 to 10:00. It’ll never happen. So, you make little changes every day, but you make a change every single day. That’s my mantra.
Reena: The third thing is, call it mindfulness, call it meditation, but find a mini-vacation for yourself. So, that’s the other thing that has found, that scientifically, if you can find that mindful moment that calms you down during the day, it forgives a lot of the ills of the morning. So, that could be 10 minutes in the sun that you’re just sitting with your bare feet. I typically suggest do it with lunch. ‘Cause that’s an easy peasy thing. You’re gonna have lunch anyway, you might as well sit outside, take your shoes off. And you’ll feel different. There is scientific research that, when you eat vegetables and you get sunlight, your body absorbs the greens better. So, lots of benefits there. So, that’s the third big one, is take mini-vacations every day.
Reena: And the fourth one is the sun. We are not getting enough sun. There was an interview I did with Doctor Jack two days ago. The sun is meant to literally reverse like 33 different cancers, and will help you with sleep, and will fix so many other issues in your body. It’s the power that powers us. I mean, it’s the power that powers the plants. It powers the planet. It is the power that powers us, and we’re just not plugging into it enough. So, five minute walk in the sun in the morning, a little bit in the afternoon, something at night. Schedule it in.
Reena: So, that’s the other thing I say. Whatever you want to do, schedule it in. And initially, just do one little thing every day. So, you don’t have to do all six things. Just pick one and say, “Today, I’m gonna do this.” And what you’ll notice is, over time, suddenly you’ll start yourself doing two things a day, and then three things a day. And then, it becomes a habit.
Trevor: I really like the tips that you’ve given for helping people shift and make those changes in their lifestyle. And I think that there’s so much that we can do to support people. And, it’s really those daily choices that we make. We need a little bit of encouragement, a little bit of motivation, some support. I know you’ve got these healthy bootcamps, and that’s great, that you can help people wherever their stage is and what their focus is. That’s fantastic. So, do you want to share your website, or how people can find out more about you?
Reena: Absolutely. So, it’s healthbootcamps.com. So, it’s plural. Just H-E-A-L-T-H-B-O-O-T-C-A-M-P-S dot com. Just go to healthbootcamps.com, and there you can look at the list of bootcamps. You can get a free journal, by the way. So, I also wrote my heal journal, because to me, any health journey begins actually with a journal. I am convinced. ‘Cause I tried without it, it didn’t work. I looked for journals. I couldn’t find one, so I just made one. And we sell it at cost. You can order it on Amazon, but the link’s in there as well. And we give you 30-day free journal [inaudible 00:31:17]. You just go on the site, get your free journal. And you can try … I have an upcoming My Heal Journal Bootcamp, which will be completely free. So, if someone’s interested, they can sign up and give that a try. And all the other information, we have some wonderful podcast interviews, including with you, Doctor Trevor.
Reena: So, someone who’s interested in, what is the truth about health? How can I get my health back? There’s a lot of free resources, including interviews with amazing doctors that they can listen to.
Trevor: Perfect. All right. Reena, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today. I really appreciate your information.
Reena: Thank you so much, Doctor Trevor. And everybody out there, stay smiling. Get your health back. I’ll see you soon.
Trevor: I hope you enjoyed this interview today with Reena. To learn more about her, you can go to thespadoctor.com. Go to the podcast page with her interview, and you’ll find all the information and links there. And while you’re there, I invite you to join the Spa Doctor community. You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes so you don’t miss any of our upcoming shows. You can get audio or video versions, so you can listen at your leisure or watch when it works for you.
Trevor: Also, if you haven’t done so already, I highly recommend you get your customized skin report at theskinquiz.com. It can give you great information about what your skin is trying to tell you about your health, the root causes, and what to do about it. Just go to theskinquiz.com. Also, I invite you to join me on social media, on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and join the conversation. And I’ll see you next time on the Spa Doctor Podcast.