8 Good Books for Library Lovers Month

8 Good Books for Library Lovers Month

Reading is one of the best lifestyle habits you can take up to feed your mind. It helps reduce stress, improves your vocabulary, and assists with cognitive health. The best part is, you can read for fun and enjoyment, or you can choose to learn something new – and you can do these at the same time!

February is Library Lovers Month. Visiting your local library is a great way to stay connected to your community, support authors that you love and find new ones, and feed your mind at no cost. Plus, in many communities you don’t even have to make the trek to the library – you can take advantage of using e-reader apps to check out books on your tablet or Kindle. 

To celebrate good books and everything libraries bring to our communities, I’m sharing some of my favorite books with you written by my friends and colleagues.

1. The Adrenal Reset Diet by Dr. Alan Christianson 

Dr. Alan Christianson is a naturopathic endocrinologist with a focus on thyroid disease. He has been actively seeing patients since 1996 and is a New York Times best-selling author of The Metabolism Reset Diet and The Thyroid Reset Diet. He’s also the founding president of the Endocrine Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the founding co-president of the American College of Thyroidology.

In The Adrenal Reset Diet, you’ll learn how to use carbohydrate and protein cycling to balance your hormone levels and improve blood sugar and insulin levels. And Dr. Christianson provides a pioneering plan for optimal thyroid function

2. Beyond the Label by Dr. Christina Bjorndal

Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND, is an authority in the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, and eating disorders.  She has overcome several mental health challenges herself and is now a licensed naturopathic doctor, co-founder of the Natural Terrain Clinic, and the best-selling author of 4 books on mental health.

Beyond the Label is Dr. Bjorndal’s guidebook for regaining mental wellness that will help take you out of the dark and into the light. She outlines how you can move from struggling with mental health to regaining optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

3. Hashimoto’s Protocol by Dr. Izabella Wentz

Dr. Izabella Wentz is trained as a Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists and holds certifications in Medication Therapy Management and Advanced Diabetes Care through the American Pharmacists Association. She pursued a degree in pharmacy with a dream of one day finding a cure for a disease and graduated at age 23. 

After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis at age 27, Dr. Wentz consulted with thousands of patients and summarized years of research before launching her first book. Hashimoto’s Protocol is her latest book and delivers a proven protocol to help sufferers of one of the fastest-growing thyroid disorders reclaim their lives.

4. Break the Mold by Dr. Jill Crista

Dr. Jill Crista is a naturopathic doctor, best-selling author, educator, and innovator. Dr. Crista’s books, memberships, and online courses support both patients and practitioners wanting concrete steps to address challenging health issues, such as mold toxicity exposures and Lyme disease. She has helped thousands of people heal from mold-related illness – and that’s the subject of her book, Break the Mold.

The problem with mold is that it can lurk without a trace – causing many people to be sick from mold and not even know it. Break the Mold delivers five proven tools to help you recover from mold sickness and how to avoid mold sickness in the future through your food and the environment.

5. MenuPause by Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dr. Anna Cabeca is triple board-certified and a fellow of gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine, anti-aging, and regenerative medicine. 

In her latest book, MenuPause, she provides five unique, six-day eating plans that put a “pause” on the symptoms of menopause. These eating plans are inspired by the cuisines of countries where women experience fewer menopausal symptoms overall. 

The five plans include: 

  • The Keto-Green Extreme Plan 
  • Keto-Green Plant-Based Detox 
  • The Carbohydrate Pause
  • The Keto-Green Cleanse
  • The Carbohydrate Modification Plan 

This book bridges the gap between what we eat and how it affects our hormones – and I promise you won’t feel hungry in the process!

6. Master Your Stress by Dr. Doni Wilson

Dr. Doni Wilson is a Naturopathic Doctor, certified professional midwife, certified nutrition specialist, and best-selling author. She’s been in practice for more than 22 years and has helped thousands of patients with health challenges related to stress. 

In her book, Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health: The Personalized Program to Calm Anxiety, Boost Energy, and Beat Burnout, you can stop accepting stress as part of life and learn to manage it and overcome anxiety. 

But more than tips to end stress, Dr. Wilson takes it a step further – she shows the key to breaking the stress cycle is to find and treat your unique stress type. This groundbreaking book, helps you identify your stress type based on research combined with her experiences with patients throughout two decades. Plus, it will give you the tools to make stress work for you, not against you.

Clean Skin From Within by Dr. Trevor Cates

7. Clean Skin From Within

Of course, I have to mention my books too! In my first book, Clean Skin From Within, I share with you my 2-week program to get glowing, naturally beautiful skin from the inside out.

If you have a common skin condition or just want to give your skin a boost, this book shares how to achieve clear, radiant skin by adopting a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. You’ll not only address the root causes of your skin troubles, but you will also create a plan for maintaining clear, vibrant skin in four steps:

  • Clean Plate (diet)
  • Clean Slate (toxin takeaway)
  • Clean Body (detox support)
  • Clean Mind (emotional cleansing)

Natural Beauty Reset by Dr. Trevor Cates Book Cover

8. Natural Beauty Reset

After over twenty years of seeing patients and writing my first book, I continually heard from women who still had questions about the connection between their hormones, skin, health, and aging. 

That’s why I wrote Natural Beauty Reset – to provide women with a step-by-step seasonal guide to address the underlying causes that are holding their bodies captive. 

In Natural Beauty Reset, you will uncover the real, overlooked causes for women of acne, bloating, fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, chronic pain, and sleeplessness. You’ll accomplish this with a step-by-step, 7-day plan for each season to finally eliminate symptoms without medications that can create debilitating side effects or ‘Band-Aid’ solutions that do more harm than good. 

Plus, you’ll find more than 80 food and skin care recipes that you can use throughout the seasons. 

I hope this list inspires you to learn more about yourself and your health by reaching for a good book. Block off some alone time to truly learn, take notes, and make a plan to optimize your health. 

The Spa Dr.® Approach

At The Spa Dr.®, our approach is to help shine the light on the skin and health care information and offer our guidance to support you on your journey.

We’re offering a free 9-part documentary series – Hormones, Health & Harmony to help you balance your hormones and restore radiance. Register HERE.

My new book, Natural Beauty Reset, provides an in-depth look at how you can nourish your body and support your health and hormones through the seasons. You can order my book now on Amazon.

The Spa Dr.® offers natural skin care products that are safe and free from chemicals and toxins that can harm your skin and health. Our products are formulated to contain key nutrients in their pure and active form to provide optimal results. In addition, our products are pH balanced towards mild acidity to promote and protect a healthy skin microbiome.

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