Skincare And DIY Face Treatments With Rachael Pontillo (Skincare Secrets part 1 of 4)

Our guest Rachael Pontillo is an expert at helping people with skincare and DIY face treatments as she’s a Certified International Health Coach, licensed aesthetician; and natural skincare formulator and educator.

We’re diving into a four-part series on Skincare Secrets talking all about natural and effective external treatments as we’re getting ready to launch The Spa Dr skincare line. Learn more about our VIP Subscribe and Save program here.

We talk about the benefits and uses of Jojoba oil. Always be aware of purity and where you get your oils from as it makes a huge difference. If your products ever go rancid it’s not going to be good for your skin!

Jojoba oil has a ton of uses, but just like with any oil it’s not perfect for everyone. Jojoba oil can block pores for some people and not for others, if it does there are numerous options to look at and replace with. We have a conversation about alternatives and how they might work for you.

Want to learn how to create an awesome DIY toner?
Rachael shares her formula around the 15-minute mark.

What to do about Hyperpigmentation

Rachael shares how she’s starting to see more and more hyperpigmentation with younger people. Although hydroquinone is the go-to ingredient of over the counter and prescription products, some of the side effects are worth looking into. (maybe even going the extreme direction and causing vitiligo)

She’s seen green tea and black tea extract work very well with clients over time. It does take time topically and internally, however, as with anything give yourself 30 days to see if it’s working or not.

Try using Rose Water, cucumbers, and ice to start reducing puffiness around your eyes.

Links to Check Out

Rachael’s Past Interview on The Spa Dr Podcast

Rachael’s website Holistically Haute

Rachael’s Online Courses

About Rachael

Rachael Pontillo is the bestselling author of the book Love Your Skin, Love Yourself, and co-author of The Sauce Code. She’s an AADP and IAHC Board Certified International Health Coach, licensed aesthetician; and natural skincare formulator and educator.

She’s the creator of the popular skin care and healthy lifestyle blog, Holistically Haute, as well as the 6-week online course, Create Your Skincare.

Rachael received her health coaching education from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®, where she was the recipient of the school’s prestigious Health Leadership Award and her aesthetics education from the Vision Academy Paul Mitchell School.

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Reader Interactions

  1. Orally: No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing….fish oil/Mg/Vit C/Vit D3/zinc and good bad fats or heated oils or hidden gluten may help acne and intestines so more nutrients absorb. HCl and enzymes with meals, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/under the tongue kind, MTHF, coenzyme Q10, rhodiola orally may help skin/acne. Gluten may lower thyroid. Carrots made my skin orange..can’t convert it to Vit A well. Vit A 10.000IU helped me soak more air into my lungs. I don’t coconut oil on my skin. It clogs my blood vessels. Fish oil, lecithin, evening primrose oil, Krill oil, phosphatidylserine/DMAE, CLA and more help me.

    Steep deep cream is healthy. I keep it in the refrigerator. Vit E maybe from wheat…can’t have gluten. Gluten maybe in makeup/lotions etc. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye…oats may act like gluten with avenin.

    • Wendy Allen, that’s a lot of information there. Are you saying you tried all of this? On thing I would say is be careful with Vitamin A, especially in high doses. 10,000 IU daily is not safe for any woman who is or may get pregnant. You want to be sure you mimic nature with vitamins A and E and get only the mixed kinds.

      • Yes….I need many supplements/vitamins/good oils due to being Celiac. Too bad the 23% of supplements may have hidden gluten in them. 10.000IU of Vit A saved my life. Without it I could not breathe…could not soak in air and blood brain barrier/gut lining/kidneys/eyes were hurt without it. Higher than 10.000IU was not ok for me. I found when I was low in Zinc I wouild not get Vit A out of my liver. Vit A helps the immune system also.

        I have glycation on my face due to Lyme/antibiotics/Celiac lowering Mg which is needed to make insulin. I went 10 years without eating fruit, but then got precancer on my lip/leg from no fruit. When I ate fruit the precancer went away. Fruit makes my gum in my mouth be more rubbery so I don’t want to stop fruit, but then got glycation. I pray there is a way to heal the glycation grooves on my face and also on my body where I bent my skin/cutting off oxygen when sugar was high in my blood. I don’t want to have glycation grooves in me forever. Juicing vegetables help get rid of it? Germanium oil? I can’t have coconut or olive oil. Vit E on glycation? Even though books say you can’t reverse glycation I thought maybe there is a way to help it. Thanks for your awesome help!

        • Wendy, one of the biggest lifestyle changes you can make regarding glycation issues is sugar intake. If you reduce sugar intake and ensure you blood sugar is balanced, that should help. Ideally, a fasting blood sugar should be no higher than 85.

          • Yes…I ate no fruit for 10 years…lost my sugar digestion when I took colloidal silver. Then I got precancer, but it went away when I ate some fruit. I got Lyme and adrenals got burned out when the hospital took away my thyroid medicine/Vit B12 shot/vitamins/good oils/minerals/bioidentical hormones. One bite of a potato or apple etc gave me glycation. I was low in Mg due to Lyme/antibiotics/Celiac which helps make insulin. The glycation happened before my brain was working to figure out what was happening. I still had Lyme after the hospital, but no medicine, so the Lyme regrew in me taking out more Mg and causing more glycation. I could have went back no no fruit, but I was eating for energy nonstop due to adrenal being burned out. Now I take more progesterone to try to help my some cortisol and help my adrenals. It helps my immune system. I am trying ozone to try to kill the Lyme/coinfections. My skin gets like melted jello from the Lyme tone…like an old lady. Old ladies may also have infections they are unaware of from ticks etc..The glycation I have makes me sad to see it. I was too slow in thinking and energy to change how I ate. An apple has more fructose than an orange. Citrus makes my gums in my mouth more rubbery. It is like I have scurvy with the Lyme with cuts on my tongue. I bought a sugar meter…thought I had Type 2 Diabetes. I am better now, but the glycation is there. I am hoping there is hope to make it go away and not have it last forever. Maybe the Ozone which lasts about 4 days in the body raising oxygen may help it and precancers. I got precancers from antibiotics/colloidal silver/sunlight/too much estrogen. Already a few precancers seemed to go away from the Ozone treatment. Glycation they said makes free radicals so it is self perpetuating, but maybe their is help. I thought may be essential oils may help. Liposomal glutathione and liposomal Vit C may help, but then I would detox my Lyme medicine. I just don’t want a glycation that happened from eating one bite of fruit to last forever to remind me of the Lyme always.

            Now I am hooked on blueberries which help my brain/bananas with Ceylon cinnamon/granny apples with Ceylon cinnamon. It is hard to break the sugar addiction. I felt great with no fruit for 10 cravings etc, but something in the fruit is not in vegetables that my body needs. One bite of fruit and I want more. If I buy 5 apples. I want to eat them all in one day instead of one per day. I am not getting glycation now except when I over eat the fruit. I am taking alpha lipoic acid/Oregon grape root/Ceylon cinnamon to help blood sugar.

            Starch/sugar feeds Lyme/coinfections/yeast. It is hard to get rid of the infections while eating fruit/potato/brown rice. I can’t eat much due to Celiac, but God gave me the best. I need a carb to feel well…can’t just eat vegetables.

            Thanks for your awesome help! Happiness…

  2. This is wonderful! I am so excited for this series! Thank you for saying that skin is individual!! Everyone has different skin composition and all oils can be comedogenic because of that! There is no sure way to tell except to test them out. I have found grape seed, pumpkin, and rosehip to work well with me, and all three of them are considered moderately comedogenic! I love the thoughts on toners. This is very helpful and I will be trying this out. Wonderful, and I can’t wait for the following videos!

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