Discover Your Hidden Superpowers

Smiling woman outside superpowers

It’s no secret that if you live in the United States, you live in a culture obsessed with youth and the constant pursuit of achieving unrealistic beauty standards. This obsession often leads women (and men) to believe it’s all downhill when you start to get older. The good news is this is a myth – even if you are noticing signs of aging, hormonal imbalances, or other changes.

Your life and your health can be just as good – if not better! – then it was when you were younger. Your body is wise and simply needs the right tools to restore harmony. You already have the ability to address underlying imbalances and lifestyle factors so you can achieve a natural glow and feel energized and resilient. With a little effort, you can embrace and optimize your superpowers because you have a body that was designed to bounce back. 

Superpower #1: You’re the boss of your body

One of the most important tools you have on your health journey is that you have control of who you choose to manage your healthcare. Be sure they’re on the same page as you and listen to your concerns. Your body is yours alone – and you’re the boss of your health and making decisions. 

If you have health concerns or haven’t seen your doctor within the last year, I encourage you to schedule an appointment to discuss any symptoms you have. Write them down so you don’t forget anything. Get a checkup and run some lab tests to make sure your hormones and overall health are well-balanced. 

Your primary healthcare provider and healthcare team should respect your decision-making abilities. Most conventionally trained doctors do not have the training for nutritional and herbal supplements and they most likely won’t order specialty lab tests. To address root causes such as hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies, work with a licensed naturopathic doctor or functional medicine practitioner. 

Superpower #2: You can change your thoughts

Women tend to be harder on themselves than men and it’s not always easy to have compassion for ourselves and where we are on our journeys. Life throws challenges at us sometimes – and this can take a toll on our health and personal lives.

Toxic thoughts can block the path to confidence – and worse yet, negative thoughts and unmanaged stress puts a burden on our bodies and create hormonal imbalances. 

When you practice mindfulness exercises such as meditation and breathwork and spend time in nature, you can also practice being more compassionate and loving to yourself. Your internal thoughts impact the way you feel. Use self-talk to build yourself up.  

Superpower #3: You have more control than you think

It might feel like you don’t have control over aging, but guess what? You have more control than you think! So much of aging gracefully is about lifestyle choices such as mindset, nutrition, avoiding inflammation from toxins, food, and smoking, and staying fit and active. Feeling strong because of healthy lifestyle choices also improves your confidence – feeling better improves your mindset, and looking better provides a confidence boost too. 

And if you feel like your genetics are holding you back, there’s more good news: Genetics is an underlying factor, but you have more control over your genes than you think. We know that lifestyle choices can impact gene expression and the ability to turn certain genes on and off, resulting in different health outcomes.

Superpower #4: You can restore balance

In today’s fast-paced and frenzied world, it can feel impossible to feel balanced. However, you can feel good in your body by harmonizing your health and hormones and adjusting your mindset. Millions of women struggle with insecurity and self-doubt – I have experienced this too. That’s why it’s so important to take action and be in tune with your body.  

So many of us get up early and stay up late, don’t get rest, squeeze in time to eat and work out – then we end up frustrated when our health isn’t where we want it to be. We feel alone and burnt out. But the answer to restoring balance is right in front of us. Choosing the right food, getting enough sleep and exercise, and detoxification support can reverse many problems, age-related or otherwise – including hormone issues. My next book, Natural Beauty Reset, is full of recipes and actions you can take to restore balance. 

An Important Thing to Remember

Your beauty was always there – it’s so much more than a physical description. Beauty is a state of mind. Our mindset and the choices we make each day are what help our authentic beauty evolve and shine. In every moment, there are decisions to make. Will you choose to be kind, compassionate, authentic, bold, and loving to yourself? You deserve it.

Hormones, Health and Harmony

Need help embracing your superpowers? In my 9-part docuseries, Hormones, Health and Harmony, I interview 50 experts on the subject of women’s health and hormones. In each episode, you’ll learn the surprising myths and truths behind achieving hormonal balance and correcting imbalances. It starts on May 10, and I can’t wait for you to see it and discover the true impact of hormones on your skin and your health! 

The Spa Dr.® Approach

At The Spa Dr.®, our approach is to help shine the light on skin and health care information and offer our guidance to support you on your journey.

We’re offering a free 9-part documentary series starting on May 10, 2022, Hormones, Health & Harmony to help you balance your hormones and restore radiance. Register HERE.

My next book, Natural Beauty Reset, provides an in-depth look at how you can nourish your body and support your health and hormones through the seasons. You can pre-order my book now on Amazon.

The Spa Dr.® offers natural skin care products that are safe and free from chemicals and toxins that can harm your skin and health. Our products are formulated to contain key nutrients in their pure and active form in order to provide optimal results. In addition, our products are pH balanced towards mild acidity to promote and protect a healthy skin microbiome.

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