Dental Detox with Dr. Caitlin Czezowski

Dental Detox with Caitlin Czeowski on The Spa Dr. Podcast

On today’s podcast we’re discussing how symptoms and illnesses can be linked back to the mouth. Think about how much time you and your family may have spent in the dentist chair and have you ever asked questions about what they use in treatments? Some of the information today will probably surprise you, but it’s important to know how this may be impacting your health. We also cover some top tips for women’s health.

My guest is Caitlin Czezowski DC, CFMP, CACCP who is a doctor of chiropractic and certified functional medicine practitioner with extensive training in women’s health, pregnancy and children.

The reason for Dr. Caitlin’s search for root causes is because her health took a turn for the worse in her 20’s and no Doctor could tell her why. It wasn’t until she traced her root cause back to the dental work she had done as a teenager and young adult and through extensive research, she found that the majority of symptoms and even illnesses were linked back to her mouth.

She is hugely passionate about finding the root cause of one’s health issues and developing a safe and effective plan to reverse their symptoms and restore their quality of life. She does this by working one on one with select individuals along with educating the masses through the Women N Wellness podcast, speaking engagements and social media avenues.

In this interview, we discuss how your mouth is connected to your health overall, which dental procedures and practices are possibly harmful to your health, and how to find dentists who use a more holistic approach. We also discuss Dr. Caitlin’s top takeaways as one of the hosts of the upcoming 50 Ways to Women’s Wellness online event.

Please enjoy this interview …

Go here to learn more about the 50 Ways to Women’s Wellness online event.

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  1. +I loved listening to the podcast. Thank you! I’m wanting to replace my fluoride toothpaste with a clean toothpaste. I would love to know what you use and recommend!

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