From Inflamed to Healthy Skin: A Story of Transformation with Jennifer Garn

Today’s episode of The Spa Dr. Podcast is different… It’s someone’s personal story.

My guest is Jennifer Garn who has an amazing story, like many of you. I’ve asked her to share her story about her skin and how she’s overcome her struggles.

Jenne first reached out to me with a comment on The Spa Dr. Facebook page, and I was struck by her words because of how her challenges are so real. And, they mirror so many other stories I’ve heard over the years from my patients.

Jenne is the mother of 6 kids (4 of them biological and 2 adopted) and has managed to find a way to heal despite many obstacles. When you listen to her story, you’ll hear about how she experiences some initial improvement in the appearance of her skin. But, what you’ll notice is that her skin issues didn’t go away until she was able to address the root causes. And, when she did that, that’s when she finally noticed a lasting improvement in her skin. But, I’ll let you hear the story from her. Make sure you listen until the end because the really magical part is in her journey and what she shares near the end.

So, please enjoy this interview …

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Transcript of Jennifer’s Story of Transformation

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Reader Interactions

  1. I just want to say, Dr. Cates, that this was a really cool offbeat interview. Thank you for this one and for all of your interviews. I haven’t yet learned anywhere near as much as Jenne obviously has, but I’m working on it and your website helps a lot. I have become very much enamored with the Functional Medicine approach that you personify with your catch phrase of “Clean Skin from Within.” It’s so sad that so many of us spend so much time and often a lot of money suffering from the failures of “conventional” medical care, which isn’t really true health care, before stumbling onto the online community that we lucky few learn to participate in, and that you so ably help to lead.

  2. Wow. I have really struggled with acne my whole life and am currently looking for ways to transition my skin.
    This video was so informative for me thank you so much for your witness!

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