What’s the biggest killer of sex drive? Do we need sex to be healthy and have glowing skin?
Find out on today’s show with my guest Dr. Lauren Noel.
Dr. Lo (as her patients call her) is a licensed naturopathic doctor and her areas of expertise are digestive disorders, thyroid & hormone imbalances, and autoimmune disease. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Since 2010, Dr. Noel has treated over 5,000 patients using natural therapies. She has been a frequent guest/lecturer on health radio shows and medical conferences, and she is the host of Dr. Lo Radio, a top rated podcast on iTunes that has attracted over 1 million listens. Dr. Noel owns Shine Natural Medicine in Solana Beach, CA where she treats patients locally and all over the country.
On today’s episode of The Spa Dr Podcast, discover what the biggest killer of sex drive is. And for those of you who feel like you don’t need sex to be healthy, we also cover how sex actually is beneficial for our health and even improves our skin! In addition, Dr. Lo covers body image and self-esteem issues. These are topics many people are afraid to talk about, but Dr. Lo talks about all of this with ease and great information and with a naturopathic approach.
So please enjoy the show!
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Dr Lo is offering her eBook Are You Wired but Tired as a free gift. Download it here.
Click here for more information on the Shine Natural Medicine Clinic.
You can listen to the Dr. Lo Radio podcast here.
Transcript of Today’s Podcast:
Start Transcription – [0:00:00]
Trevor: Hi everyone. I’m Dr. Trevor Cates. Welcome to the Spa Doctor Show, where we talk about health tips and strategies to help you be smart, sexy and strong.
On today’s show, I have as my guest, Dr. Lauren Noel. Dr. Lo, as her patients call her, is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, and her areas of expertise are digestive disorders, hormone imbalances, and auto immune disease. She received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Natural Medicine, in Portland, Oregon. Since 2010 Dr. Noel has treated over 5,000 patients, using natural therapies. She has been a frequent guest lecturer on health radio shows, and medical conferences. She’s host of Dr. Lo Radio, a top rated podcast on iTunes, that has attracted over 1 million listens.
Dr. Noel also owns “Shine Natural Medicine,” in Solana Beach, California, where she treats patients locally and all over the country.
On today’s show, Dr. Lo covers the biggest killer of sex drive, and what you can do about it. For those of you who feel like you don’t need sex to be healthy, we also cover what sex can do you for your health, as well as how it can help your skin. In addition to that, Dr. Lo covers body image and self esteem issues. These are all topics that many people are afraid to talk about, but Dr. Lo talks about this with ease and shares some great information with a Naturopathic approach. Please enjoy the show.
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Begin Interview – 0:01:34
Trevor: On today’s show, I have as my guest, Dr. Lauren Noel. Welcome to the show Dr. Lo.
Lauren: Thank you. Good to be here and thanks for having me.
Trevor: Ya. It’s great to see you, great to have you on. Today we’re talking about the biggest killer of sex drive. That’s one of the things that we’re going to be talking about today. But I wanted to start off with your story. What’s your background, and what led you to becoming a Naturopathic doctor, and specifically your focus that you have?
Lauren: Oh, man. It is a long and crazy journey on why I became a doctor. It was mostly about my own health problems, back in high school. I was fat, I was tired, I was depressed, I had raging acne, and I knew that there was something that could be done for it, and I wasn’t getting the answers. Even in high school, I remember going to my Kaiser doctors and asking them, “What can I eat? What should I be doing that’s going to help my skin get better?” They just would say, “Once you take this Acutane, your skin is going to be clear, and you won’t have anything to pick, and you won’t need to worry about it. There’s no connection between what you eat and your skin.” And I knew intuitively back then that that couldn’t be true. But I didn’t really know what I [0:02:50 no audio] for it, I didn’t know where to learn about it. So I just continued to be put on these medications, and was treated more based on my symptoms.
Fast forward to college years, I finally had my thyroid issue addressed, that I had a hypo-thyroidism. I remember my Kaiser doctor saying it years before, “Oh, you have a, your thyroid’s a little underactive. Not too bad.” And I didn’t know what that meant. Ok, well I guess if it gets real bad, they’ll address it. When I look back now at those labs, oh my gosh, if I had been put on thyroid replacement, or been given some sort of treatment plan to heal my thyroid, I’m sure that everything would have been a lot different. It wasn’t until college that I started a seeing a Naturopathic doctor and did the kind of in depth testing, and got the bigger picture of what was going on with my health. She put me on natural thyroid replacement. It was actually supplementation; she didn’t even put me on hormones. It was amazing, the kind of response that my body had. I actually dropped weight without even trying, my skin cleared up. And she didn’t put any kind of acne medication on my skin at all, it was more from the inside out. I felt better, I felt happier, and I really started to realize, wow, there’s a whole other world of medicine out there, that I had no idea about.
That ignited this passion that I have for natural medicine, and I never wanted to feel a victim to medicine again. I wanted to feel like I knew how to heal my body [0:04:19 no audio] need to learn more about my body, and how to protect my family. Now I get paid to do this, and it’s the coolest dream job, I get to help people be healthier, and do it more in a natural kind of way. The benefit, I think, of this form of medicine, is we can use medications if we need to, but rarely do we have to jump to that as the first option. I feel very empowered, that I have so many different tools that I have for myself and for my patients.
I have a lot of empathy for people who go through thyroid issues, acne, weight issues. I can relate, because I’ve been there, and I know how to heal the body in a more natural kind of way.
Trevor: Ya. I know it’s not always an easy path, but I’m glad that you found it, and you’re helping other people now, because there are so many people that struggle with a similar story to what you have. That’s part of why I do the podcast, is to help educate people, understand that there are more options out there. Thank you for what you’re doing.
I just want to ask you, on a personal level, because I know that I have listeners and people that have tried Acutane, or have been told that they should take something along those lines, of a medication. In your experience, personal experience, what was it like going down that route versus Naturopathic medicine, and that different approach? Get a little bit more into that.
Lauren: I remember back then, I think I was 16, and I was working at a summer camp back then. I was a baker, working in this camp, and it’s so funny, because I was working in this bakery, and I was eating all kinds of crazy, I was eating a ton of gluten, and now I know I have a gluten sensitivity, and that’s really what cleared my skin ultimately. But I was eating all this food, and taking this medication to dry up all my oil glands, so I was so dry, and my lips were cracking, and my ears were peeling, and my face was so dry, and it actually didn’t even work. That’s the thing. I went through all of that, I think I was on it for eight months, and I had to be on birth control, legally you have to be on birth control, so you don’t get pregnant, because if you do get pregnant, your baby has a very high risk of birth defects, which is crazy, that that’s something I put in my body. I will say, even now, 20 years later, I still get dry eyes. I really believe that it’s because of the Acutane; I think it’s a long term side effect that can happen. The biggest downside to being on it is not so much the health effects, but more the mental part that came with it; I didn’t know. I wasn’t empowered to know what was causing it. I was just given this band aid. In comparing the two, I would say there’s no comparison. It’s definitely way more effective, it makes a lot more sense to do the Naturopathic kind of approach. It’s a lot more empowering to know what causes acne in the first place, and treating it more from an internal kind of approach, than just jumping to doing Acutane. Some people, a very small percentage, do end up resorting to Acutane after doing the natural kind of approach, but it’s a very, very, very small percentage. It’s not like Acutane is the worst thing in the world to do, but it just doesn’t make sense to jump to that first.
Trevor: Ya, absolutely. That’s great that you were able to find other options. I think that I’m trying to help other people realize that there other options, too. Thank you for sharing your personal story.
Let’s dig into the main topic you want to talk about today is the biggest killer of sex drive. I think we all want to know, what is that? What is the biggest killer of sex drive?
Lauren: I’ve decided I’m going to branch it out into two things. I would say, number one, I would say the biggest by far is stress. That’s stress from, it could be many different things. It could be stress from emotional stress. If you’re just burning the candle at both ends, and you’re doing everything for every one, and the last thing in the world you want to do is have sex, because let’s be honest, if you’re exhausted, you’d rather take a nap than have sex with someone. I had a patient say that if Brad Pritt walked in the room, she would be more apt to have him babysit than have sex with her. That’s how tired she was. That’s kind of the guage for it, if you’re just so tired that the thought of sex is like, there’s just no way in the world that’s going to happen, then there’s obviously some shifts that need to happen in your life.
With that too is sleep deprivation. If you’re not getting good adequate sleep, you’re not recharging those batteries, you’re not having those adrenals heal at night time, and you’re going to be, your sex drive is going to be way lower. There’s a lot of hormone reasons for that, but those are really the two biggest things. The one other part of it that I see is more the mental part of it. I think this where, when a woman isn’t feeling connected to her body, and feeling like she is confident with how she looks, and who she is, and she’s continually beating herself up for body image issues and stuff like that. That really, really kills sex drive, too. I decided to break it off into two things, the stress, and that definitely comes along with the sleep deprivation, and also the whole body image issue, and just being totally disconnected from your body. That’s a big killer of sex drive.
Trevor: Ya. In a little bit I want to talk with you about how this connects with skin. Because there is a connection there. What do people do about stress? What can we do? We all are stressed, what can we do about that?
Lauren: Ya. Well, one of the best things you can possibly do is to start to press the “No” button. You don’t have to do everything for every one all the time. It’s not natural to do that. Start to say “No” to things. I know right before we hopped on the air, you and I were talking about how for me lately, I’ve had say no to some things. And start to just bring in some more balance in my life. I’m taking a lot more walks at my lunch break, at the clinic, instead of scheduling meetings, and seeing extra patients, and trying to cram them in, I’m going for a walk. It’s been miraculous for me, just going on an hour walk, in the middle of my day, and coming back and seeing patients after that, I’m a way better doctor. It’s simple, it doesn’t cost any money, it’s an easy thing to add in, and that’s because my body is getting that break, it’s getting that rest.
Starting to say no, bringing in some balance into your life. Also asking for support. As women we want to do everything, and we don’t want to ask anyone to help us. One of my favorite quotes is, “The best thing you can do for someone is to let them contribute to you.” Asking for support. If you’re a busy mom, maybe asking a friend of yours to just babysit maybe an hour a week. Or maybe if you have another friend who has kids, you guys can swap, and you can watch her kids for an hour or two a week, and she can do the same. You can go and get a massage, or you do something for yourself. Asking for support, getting those breaks, is really super important to implement.
Then getting that quality sleep is huge. Do not skimp on sleep. I know as buys moms, too, a lot of times, they want to, at the end of the day, they finally have their moment of quiet and peace and they want to stay up and maybe get caught up on things, or watch Netflix or movies. But the problem with that is that the body starts to go, oh, it’s actually still day time, I should make day time hormones, and you don’t get that restful sleep, and you wake up the next day feeling wiped. And that has a huge impact on your skin.
Starting to say no, getting those breaks in there, and then getting better sleep is key. We’re not used to working as much as we do. We’re working against biology, we’re working against nature by trying to keep up with this crazy 2015 life.
Trevor: Right. When we have a better manage on stress, and figure that out, then our mind set can change, right. Those two, I see that those are connected. Then we can have a better sense of who we are, and more confidence, that we have a handle on our life, and feel more positive, then that can help shift our mind set, correct?
Lauren: Ya. You know what too, I think that as women, we have this thing in our mind called the Ideal woman, and we always think we need to look, do, perform, better in some way. Even if someone else looking at us thinks, oh my God, she’s so beautiful, all of us, we still have this voice that we should look better, or we should do something better. It’s just never good enough. It’s like noticing that that voice isn’t you, thank you for sharing, I appreciate you sharing that, but I’m choosing not to believe that. I get to celebrate who I am right now.
Just recently, this is something I did recently, I decided to do a photo shoot. It was basically a boudoir photo shoot, I was in my underwear. It was kind of a sexy photo shoot. Before doing it, I was going to reschedule it, because I’ve gained 20 pounds in the last year. It was all out of stress. So I’m speaking from experience from this, that I have started to cut back and take breaks. And I’m already starting to see that the weight is starting to come off. I’ve never identified with having body image, or weight issues, but let’s be honest, as women we all kind of have it. So I did this sexy photo shoot, and before doing it, I almost cancelled it. I was going to wait and do it in 3 to 6 months, when I’ve lost some weight. I was like, screw that, I’m going to do it now, because I get to celebrate my body exactly as it is right now. Curves and all, a little bit, if I have cellulite, I get to celebrate that. This is who I am, because I know when I’m 80 years old, and I look back, I’m going to think I look damn good. With all of my imperfections. Isn’t it true, it’s crazy. Because if you think back to when you were in high school or college, you look back, you’re like, holy cow, I was hot. I’m sure back then, you still thought that there was something that needed to be better. That is a killer of sex drive, because in the bedroom, when we’re getting busy, we’re looking at our bodies and not feeling confident with how we look because we think we could look better. It’s about celebrating you exactly as you are right now. Because let’s be honest, men don’t care, they like curves, they like a confident woman. There are some men who have a type, but for the most part they want someone who’s confident in their body, and in their essence, and loves who they are. I just encourage anyone listening to celebrate who you are right now. Go do a sexy photo shoot, exactly as you are right now. I think that is huge.
Trevor: That’s therapy in and of itself. That’s great. Photo shoot.
Lauren: Sure. Dance naked, put on some music and dance naked every morning. Get in your body.
Trevor: Absolutely, I love that. Let’s talk a little bit about the physiology behind stress. Because people say, oh, stress is just an excuse for everything. Also, conventional doctors will say, “You’re just stressed, so there’s nothing wrong with you. Just go home and deal with your stress. And here’s an antidepressant.” Let’s first talk about the physiology of that, so then we can talk more about, from a Naturopathic perspective, how we address those things.
Lauren: Ya, for sure. Stress can definitely be just a cop out, kind of thing, you’re stressed, you’re fine. But there is some real biochemical changes that stress cause in the body. For one, we talk about sex hormones, like estrogen, and progesterone and testosterone. The main killer of those is stress. So cortisol is your main stress hormone. When you’re stressed out, someone cuts you off on the freeway, or someone pisses you off, and you’re releasing cortisol and adrenalin, is your stress hormones. Those signal for the body to not make as much of the sex hormones. So if that happens over time, for a long, long time, then over time that can affect your sex for the worse.
Also, too, the thyroid is majorly affected by stress as well. In order to convert those active T4 and the T3, which is the active thyroid hormone, you have to have some strong adrenal glands to support with that. If your adrenals are feeling more tired because of stress, then you can have low thyroid as a result. That affects having difficulty losing weight, and more depression. That’s just kind of, it’s a downward spiral, you know, that can result from that.
Those, I would say, the main kind of physiological changes that stress can do. Then also too, if you’re feeling more stressed, especially in the later part of the night, you’re not making melatonin, that’s your sleep hormone, which helps you to heal as you’re sleeping. Then again it’s that cycle, you’re not able to repair during the night time. And you’re starting the day feeling more depleted. Cortisol is not a bad thing; we tend to kind of villainize it, it’s great for many different things. It tends to be really high for most of us. And that’s when too high can cause some problems.
Trevor: Right. What are some of those problems with the high cortisol that happen?
Lauren: The whole tire around the mid section, that’s a cortisol kind of pattern. If you find, as you’re getting older, it’s really hard to lose weight in that section. That’s a clue that that’s what’s showing up for you. Also too, your skin can become more thin and not as supple. Estrogen is the main hormone that helps with plumping of the skin, and so cortisol, that can deplete your estrogen, and that also affects your skin as well. Anxiety, feeling that kind of wired and tired feeling, that can be elevated cortisol. Also difficulty sleeping, either falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. Also if you’re having ongoing immune system issues; you’re getting colds and flues more frequently, that can also be an issue with prolonged cortisol.
If there’s any other ones you think of, please chime in.
Trevor: I think those are really the biggest things so when we talk about stress and how it impacts our sex drive, it completely makes sense that stress would be the biggest killer of sex drive.
Lauren: Ya, and women say they go on vacation, and all of a sudden I noticed my husband again, I’m feeling kind of randy again, because I’m not feeling like I just want to just collapse at the end of the day, I actually feel like I’m able to have my sex drive. It makes sense. But if you implement little breaks like that throughout your day, or throughout your week, then you don’t need to go on a vacation to feel horny.
Trevor: Right. Definitely affects, impacts our stress, impacts our sex hormones, as well as our stress hormones, our thyroid hormones. And on the opposite side of that, when our sex drive is good, and we’re getting sex, and we’re getting orgasms, and touch, and all of that, how does that impact our health? And then that’s when I think it can actually impact our skin, too.
Lauren: Totally. I know. Sex is amazing for the skin. It’s like getting a facial from the inside out.
Trevor: I’m going to use that quote. I’m going to steal that quote. I’m just kidding.
Lauren: That’s kind of a good quote, now that I actually think about it. In more ways than one. That’s funny.
Oxytocin, this is our bonding hormone. Oxytocin can be secreted from even hugging. So hugging someone for more than 20 seconds, we know that that can increase oxytocin. Orgasm can increase oxytocin. Oxytocin is amazing for the skin. Oxytocin can help increase something called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is what’s considered a vasodilator in the body. It helps to dilate blood vessels, and so it increases blood flow. Which we know of nitric oxide as something [0:19:55 no audio] Viagra. That’s what helps men get erections, so it increases blood flow. Oxytocin does that naturally in the body. And blood flow’s an amazing thing for the skin. We know that the tissues that have the most blood flow, tend to heal the fastest. That’s why the skin tends to heal faster than something like ligaments or tendons, because there’s more blood flow to the skin. Oxytocin is an amazing thing for the skin. Orgasms are amazing for the skin. You want to have anti aging from the inside out, have some orgasms.
Trevor: Great.
Lauren: It can lower cortisol, too. We know that, like we said, cortisol’s that stressful hormone, so having more oxytocin is great for that. If you’re not having sex, go hug people, and hold for while. That will help to increase more of that oxytocin in your body.
Trevor: That’s going to help increase oxytocin, lower cortisol, which we know cortisol does also tend to increase as we get older, our body has a harder time with regulating that. Then we end with these high cortisol levels, especially at night time, or at times when we don’t want it to be high. Lowering cortisol’s important. Then also estrogen, too, right?
Lauren: Yes.
Trevor: To having higher amounts of estrogen can be helpful. How is that involved?
Lauren: With the skin? Estrogen is a lubricator. As women get older, they’ll say I kind of feel like my joints get a little bit more achy, or my skin’s getting dryer, I’m getting vaginal dryness. These are all clues that estrogen is starting to go down. So estrogen’s a lubricator, it helps to plump up tissues, it helps with lubrication, and stress really depletes that. I find that the women that tend to be the most stressed out, have a harder time with menopause. Whereas the ones that are really creating balance in their life and getting good sleep, they tend to go through that transition a lot better.
Estrogen’s amazing for the skin. Sometimes for patients I’ll do a compounding cream, of actually applying estrogen onto the face. It’s great for wrinkles and fine lines. But there’s, the natural way is to do it more from the inside out. Huge role with the skin.
Trevor: Ok. From a Naturopathic perspective, so far we’ve talked about stress management, and the importance of that. We talked about the hormones that are involved in stress, and sex drive, and the skin. What can people do to help support their hormones, their stress, all of those kinds of things more from nutrition, and supplements, and that kind of approach?
Lauren: For sure. Simple, there’s such a simple shift, but for women especially having breakfast every single morning, is huge. No skipping breakfast, no just running on fumes.
Trevor: Not just coffee for breakfast.
Lauren: Not just coffee. Ya, I know. It’s crazy how often my patients would come in and they’ll say, “I usually either skip breakfast, or just have coffee.” Oh my gosh, you are just, right off the bat, your blood sugar is all over the place. Breakfast every day with protein, is really key. That sets the tone for the whole day. Having lunch and dinner. Don’t skip meals. If you’re a busy woman, do not skip meals. It really throws you off and it puts you in this whole kind of stress cascade. That’s first and foremost.
In terms of what to eat, you want to be having clean meats, organic vegetables. Obviously if you’re eating meats, you want to be having grass fed, organic, ideally local. Just clean, clean stuff. Cutting out the processed foods, the sugars. The sugar also puts you in that stress kind of state. Then if you’re doing a lot of coffee, swap it out for green tea. Coffee can be a stresser for the adrenals. I know Dave Asprey is going to be mad at me for saying that, but… Now, there’s different ways to make your coffee that’s better. Black coffee, very different from doing coffee with some butter in it. It really affects, it changes the whole, the adrenal kind of response to having the coffee. That’s really important, to swap it out for something like with some butter, or some coconut oil, or swapping it out for green tea.
Trevor: What you’re referring to, is Dave Asprey of Bullet Proof Coffee, a friend of ours. It is a different way of making coffee, so it is a little bit different. It’s still caffeine, but there’s a different approach with that. Just want to make sure everybody’s up to speed on that.
Lauren: Starting your day in a different kind of way. Also too, it’s really valuable having some sort of morning routine. Even if that’s five minutes of meditation, or if it’s going for a walk. For me, walking works really well for me. It gets me outside, it gets me in the sunshine, and I love listening to awesome music while I’m taking my morning walk with my dog, that works well for me. But having something where you’re not just, right when you wake up looking at your phone, and looking at Facebook and Instagram, and texting people, because that instantly puts you in that reaction mode. Having something in the morning that’s a routine, having your breakfast. That’s that time for you. I think it’s really valuable, especially for us women to have that.
There’s also some awesome supplements to add in. B complex, great for energy production; it’s super common to see deficient B vitamins. I see that all the time in my practice. Magnesium, amazing to do before bed. As well as certain herbs. Like maca is great. Our friend Dr. Anna Cabeca, her Mighty Maca is awesome, it’s a great thing to add into the mornings. It’s a good greens drink that has some maca in there. Maca, it’s a root that helps with stress response, and also helps with your hormone balance.
Another great option, there’s other herbs, like ashwagandha, rhodiola. If you have low cortisol, which is kind of the flip side of what we’re talking about, licorice is amazing for that. It’s great to get tested and see, rather than just guessing. But if you don’t really have the money to get the test for it, then doing some adaptogenic kind of herbs like ashwagandha or rhodiola, those are usually pretty safe for most people.
Extra vitamin C. Very common deficiency is vitamin C.
I think those are some good ones to start with. If you have any other ones, I’d love to hear those too.
Trevor: I think those are all really great ones to start with. Like you said, sometimes people are in a guessing game, and they’re just trying different things, and it can get really confusing. So luckily there are Naturopathic doctors like yourself, and like me. And also functional medicine doctors that can help support people with testing, specialized testing and things to help figure out what exactly is going on, what are the nutrients that you need, what is it your body uniquely needs, genetic testing. All kinds of things that people can look to, to tailor, customize their treatment.
I think those are all great recommendations. Anything else?
Lauren: To jump into that, in terms of testing, getting to the root of low sex drive is really important. We mentioned stress is big, but there’s lots of reasons why your sex drive could be low. You could have low testosterone, that’s very common for women. It could be low thyroid. It could be excess adrenal hormones, it could be low adrenal hormones. It could the sleep deprivation. Or maybe you have nutrient deficiencies. Maybe you’re low in zinc. Zinc is really important for sex drive. There’s a lot of different things that could be at the root of your low sex drive, and instead of just guessing, it’s good to test and see where you’re at.
Trevor: I do think that stress is really the biggest thing, and if people can work on stress management and then if they’re not getting any better, then if it’s not improving, then get the help from someone. It depends on how long you’ve been stressed too. If you’ve been living a very high stress life, and work pace. Those kinds of things. Then I think you’re going to be a little bit more of a complicated situation where you might need to see someone, and get some support.
I also know that you do a lot of injection, nutrient injections, right?
Lauren: Ya.
Trevor: Let’s talk a bit about that, about why you find that that’s particularly helpful for people.
Lauren: For one, digestive disorders are very common. And malabsorption. People just not getting [0:27:59 no audio] both either from an issue with the digestive tract or because our foods are not as nutritious as they used to be. Micro nutrient deficiencies are rampant. Tonite on my podcast I’m actually going to have the Calton’s on, their new book, “The Micronutrient Miracle.”
Micronutrients are very commonly deficient in our food, and so they become deficient in us. IV therapy is a brilliant solution to that. While we’re healing the body, obviously we’re just not replacing it just with that, but we can heal the body, while we’re doing a lot of the work with the gut. That’s where a patient comes in, sits back in this reclining chair, and they get an infusion of vitamins and minerals right into the blood stream. It is amazing. It can be miraculous for people who have issues absorbing their nutrients. Patients will say, oh, I haven’t been sick this winter, and I get sick ever winter, or my nails are finally growing, or my skin is finally clearing up, or my hair’s finally growing. Because they’re finally getting those nutrients from the inside out. It’s amazing. Especially things like glutathione for example. I’m sure you’ve talked about this on your podcast. Glutathione is an incredible anti oxidant. It’s amazing for the skin. It’s really hard to absorb orally. So when someone is deficient in their body for various reasons, actually doing glutathione as an IV is a really effective way to get it higher into the system.
Trevor: Great. Great points about micronutrient deficiency. I actually just had the Calton’s on my podcast recently. So everybody’s aware of them, and their book, and all that. Great. Now, is there anything else you want to share with the audience about what we’ve been talking about. Any last little bits of gold nuggets?
Lauren: I would say the best thing for the skin is Joy. Whatever it is that makes you happy, do a lot more of it. I think that we can get so just crazy about what supplement to take, and what test to run. Those things are all really important, but [0:29:53 no audio] happy, that helps your skin. And that’s really what it all comes down to, as the end of the day, that’s what the important thing is. Do what you love. If you’re a creative person, and you’re not doing what feeds your creative soul, do something. Life’s too short. That’s my own little thing. I think a lot of times, me being kind of the nerd brain that I am, I can zone in on biochemistry, and pathways, and enzymes, and tests. It’s important to just keep focus on what is it all about.
Trevor: Absolutely.
Lauren: That’s what I got.
Trevor: Good. Well thanks Dr. Noel. Tell us how people can learn more about you, and how they can find out about your podcast, and where your clinic is.
Lauren: So, I have a free gift for everyone [0:30:41 no audio] I have. I wrote an e-book called “Wired but Tired.” It gives some really easy tips of how to bring in more balance throughout your day. You can get that over at DrLaurenNoel.com. Then if you’re interested in learning more about me as a doctor in my practice, the website for that would be ShineNaturalMedicine.com. I work with patients locally here in San Diego, and all over the country. Then for my podcast, it’s DrLoRadio. It’s on iTunes, or you can go to DrLoRadio.com. I think we have 150 shows, something like that. I know we’ve had you on the show before.
Trevor: You’ve been doing this a while. You’ve been doing the podcast for a while now.
Lauren: Four and a half, almost five years now. It’s been a while.
Trevor: That’s great. For those people that are listening and driving, don’t worry, I’m going to have those links on my website below the podcast. You can just go to the website, people can go to the website and click on those links. I’ll be sure to have those up, to make it easy, so you can get the e-book, find out about the podcast, find out more about Dr. Lo.
Thank you so much for your interview today. Thanks so much for coming on. It’s been fun.
Lauren: Of course. Thanks for having me.
Trevor: Sex is always a fun topic to talk about.
Lauren: It’s the best, juicy.
Trevor: All right. Thanks so much.
Lauren: Bye.
End Interview – 0:32:00
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Trevor: I hope you enjoyed this interview today with Dr. Lauren Noel. To learn more about Dr. Noel you can go to my website, DrTrevorCates.com. Go to the podcast page with her interview and you’ll find all the information and links there.
While you’re there, you can subscribe to the Spa Doctor podcast, on my website or on iTunes, so you don’t miss any of our upcoming shows. Also, if you haven’t done so already, I highly recommend that you get your customized skin report at the SkinQuiz.com. Just go the SkinQuiz.com, answer just a few questions, takes a few minutes and you’ll get your own customized skin report.
Join us on social media, join the conversation, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, InstaGram. I hope to see you on social media.
I will see you next time on the podcast.
End Transcription – [0:33:04]
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