As we age, we have injuries and wear and tear to our bodies over time that cause us to experience one of the biggest symptoms associated with aging, and that is pain. Yes, it is a 4 letter word that none of us want, so I asked my guest today to talk about a cutting edge way to reduce pain without drugs or invasive surgeries.
My guest is Dr. Harry Adelson who was one of the very early adopters of stem cell medicine for the treatment of pain. He has performed over 5,000 stem cell procedures and has injected stem cells into over 500 inter vertebral discs, placing him among the most experienced in the world with the use of stem cells for the treatment of chronic spine pain. He practices in Park City, Utah.
In today’s interview we discuss stem cell medicine for anti-aging and pain. Dr. Adelson and I attended naturopathic medical school together almost 20 years ago, and it’s great to have him back on my podcast to give an update on how stem cell therapy works and bust some of the myths around stem cell medicine. You’ll also find out why (and what for) some top bio-hackers are traveling from around the country to see Dr. Adelson.
Here’s the interview…
To learn more about Dr. Adelson and Docere Clinics, go to
Mention “The Spa Doctor Sent Me” for 10% off from a Full-Body Stem Cell Make-Over. This is valid for treatments performed through December 31st 2018.
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