The Gut and Skin Connection (Clear Glowing Skin part 3 of 4)

Today we’re covering the gut and skin connection – how digestion affects our skin and what we can do about it. This might seem like an unlikely connection and your dermatologist or esthetician probably hasn’t talked to you about it.

It really is a key component in having healthy skin and overall health!

Digestion is important for breaking down and absorbing nutrients in our food. We need certain micro and macro nutrients for healthy skin – that we get thru a healthy diet. But, you could have the best diet in the world but if your digestion is not working, then you won’t get the nourishment you need and it does show up on our skin.

As more and more research is showing, the bugs within our digestive system are not only important for digestion but they’re also connected to our skin.

Two common digestive problems

One thing that can happen is Hyperpermeability of the digestive tract lining (or what is sometimes called “leaky gut syndrome”).

The other is constipation. If your exit route of eliminating waste and toxins — is closed, then your body is not able to get rid of these elements and our system gets backed up.

How do you know if you have digestive issues?
Your symptoms will tell most of it – if you have problems such as diarrhea, constipation, undigested food particles in the stool, small or incomplete stools, heartburn, pain, gas or bloating.

Many people have digestion, absorption and assimilation issues, and don’t even know it!

In my practice, I often do specialty lab testing to determine if people do in fact have one of these issues. If you’re having skin issues and the treatment you’re doing is not working then this is something you might want to take a closer look at with your healthcare provider.

Here are some quick tips to enhance your digestion:

  • Manage stress – every day
  • Stay away from unnecessary medications.
  • If you have bloating, gas, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, add probiotic supplements and/or fermented foods like (kimchi or sauerkraut) to help restore the beneficial microorganisms that keep your digestive system working smoothly.
  • Consider nutritional supplements like L-Glutamine to help repair damage to the digestive tract lining.
  • Eat fiber and nutrient rich foods.


Cleansing and detoxification seem to be overused these days and have lost some of their meaning, however, there are some symptoms to look for when your body does need to detox. 

Common symptoms to ramp up your body’s detoxification:

  1. Feeling tired
  2. Headaches
  3. Bad breath
  4. PMS, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility and other signs of hormone imbalances
  5. Irritability and mood swings
  6. Difficulty focusing
  7. Inability to lose weight
  8. Skin rashes, eruptions, and itching
  9. Chronic muscle or joint pain

You can strengthen your detoxification pathways by consuming nourishing foods, exercising regularly, and drinking filtered water and herbal teas. I recommend doing a well-designed cleanse program at least once per year.

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