4 Common Skin Problems in Women and 4 Ways to Solve Them

4 Common Skin Problems in Women and 4 Ways to Solve Them

Have you ever visited a dermatologist or other health care provider who gave you a prescription for a topical or oral medication for skin woes, such as acne, rashes, bumps, or wrinkles?  

Many people find themselves in a situation where the practitioner looks at skin problems through a singular lens and suppresses the symptom instead of getting to the root cause of the issue. This is especially common for women. 

I have personal experience with this type of treatment and know how frustrating it is. I had hives and eczema during childhood, acne as a teenager, and rosacea in my thirties –  you name it and I’ve probably had it! I know how isolating these issues can feel and how they take a toll on self-esteem. 

Your skin is your magic mirror and gives you important clues about your overall health and vitality. There is a better approach than covering up skin problems. 

By getting to the root cause of skin issues, you’ll not only clear up your skin and reduce accelerating aging, but you’ll also promote radiant health and feel better than ever. 

Most Common Skin Conditions for Women 


Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin. It is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules that can appear on the back, chest, arms, and more commonly on the face.

This issue is very common, impacting more than 40 million people – and over half of those people are women older than age 25. Sometimes acne is viewed as a superficial health concern. However, those of us who’ve had it know breakouts can cause permanent emotional and physical damage, including skin scarring and discoloration.

Stress is one of the triggers for acne. When we’re stressed, the adrenal glands release cortisol, known as “the stress hormone.” A surge in cortisol causes increased sebum production and this triggers acne. Chronically high levels of cortisol can lead to sugar cravings, which also increases breakouts. 

One of the biggest underlying causes is actually in the gut. Our gut microbiome impacts our skin microbiome. When our gut microbiome is out of balance, our skin microbiome can also be negatively impacted and trigger acne breakouts.


Eczema comes in many different forms, but it typically emerges in the form of a red, itchy rash or raised skin. This typically occurs on the cheeks, arms, and legs. The word “eczema” is Greek for “to boil over,” describing how inflamed eczema can look.

Regular stress from work, school, and home can make eczema flare. This is partly due to high cortisol levels, which trigger inflammation and aggravate skin inflammation issues, including itchy, irritated skin conditions. 

Research shows a lack of sleep from stress also plays a role because it affects our skin’s ability to heal. The itching and discomfort eczema causes are stressful and may even keep you awake at night. The issue here is that this becomes a cycle and the problem of eczema becomes worse. 


Rosacea is estimated to affect over 16 million Americans and is common in women over thirty. It appears as redness, small visible blood vessels, and eruptions on the nose, cheeks, and forehead.

Left untreated, rosacea only gets worse – and dealing with its visible signs can trigger more flushing, which can lead to more stress! Many people with rosacea report their condition causes so much stress they cancel plans and do not want to be seen. 

What’s more frustrating is it’s challenging to pinpoint the exact cause of rosacea. Research suggests it could be hereditary, from environmental factors, an overactive immune system, certain foods, or a combination of these possible triggers. Other root causes of rosacea may include hormonal imbalance, inflammation, and microbiome disturbances.

Premature Aging 

Getting older is something to celebrate. Fine lines and wrinkles are a sign of living and laughing! However, nobody wants to look older than they are. Fine lines and wrinkles are most likely to occur with chronic stress. High levels of cortisol are likely to cause insomnia, belly fat – and an inability to roll with what life brings our way. 

Excess wrinkles and sagging skin before our time are signs that something needs to be addressed. Ignoring the root cause behind the signs of premature aging will likely show up in your health in some other way, so don’t ignore this sign. The good news is there are many causes of premature aging, such as oxidative damage and hormonal imbalances, that can be slowed with lifestyle changes. 

How to Address the Root Cause of Skin Issues

When you address the root cause of your skin issues, you take a tremendous step to improve your overall health. As your skin begins to heal, you will feel more confident and less stressed about your appearance. The best part is you will get to the true root cause and improve your well-being!

Talk to a Healthcare Professional 

The first step is to discuss your skin issues with a healthcare provider who you trust. Find someone who will listen and address everything you are experiencing, not just the skin issue itself. Although there are some short-term solutions for these skin issues, it is essential to get to the bottom of why they happen in the first place.

Clean Up Your Diet

With my patients, I have seen over and over again how certain foods trigger skin issues and other problems. 

The most common foods I see causing skin issues are: 

  • Sugar
  • Dairy
  • Gluten-containing grains
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Eggs
  • Corn
  • Nightshades
  • Peanuts
  • Soy

I lay out a full plan in my book, Clean Skin From Within, that you can use to get started. 

Choose Toxin-Free Skin Care 

There are many skin care products on the market that claim to be “natural” and advertise their beneficial ingredients – like aloe vera, oats or oatmeal, or essential oils. The problem is they often still contain other ingredients that are not natural like fragrance – and these can build up in the body and disrupt your hormones. 

There are many different endocrine-disrupting chemicals that we are exposed to on a day-to-day basis, and your skin care is a place you can avoid them! All skin care products at The Spa Dr. are free of harmful toxins. Our bestseller is the 4-Step Age-Defying Skincare System.

Reduce Stress

Here’s a tough truth: Chronic stress ages us rapidly from the inside out.

Ongoing stress increases cortisol – and our neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine drop. We may develop mood disorders, skin issues, and many other health problems and not even know it. That’s one reason stress is called “the silent killer.” Many of us even get so used to feeling stressed that we may not remember another way of life. 

Reducing stress is not a one-time action. It is an ongoing commitment to your self-care. create a plan to find ways to reduce stress in your daily life. you can try exercise, a meditative skincare routine, painting, or gardening – the choice is yours! Personally, I enjoy meditation, breathwork, and journaling to reduce stress. 

A Final Note 

Starting to take control of your skin issues may be overwhelming at first. Just remember you cannot change everything all at once. Creating radiant health and well-being is a journey you will be on for your entire life. 

Nobody has everything perfectly together, no matter what appearances may make it seem! And we all go through different seasons and experience different challenges at different times. The most important part is to take small steps every day that support your health and skin. Not only will you be helping yourself in the short term, but the healthy changes you make today will also shape a thriving future and a more confident you. 


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