Turning to Nature for Skincare

During a recent camping trip with my family, I was reminded of the beauty and healing found in nature. Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to rejuvenate our bodies and souls. Nature is wise and knows what truly nurtures us. Because of this, I’ve found the top skincare ingredients come from nature.

Here are 7 of my very favorite skincare ingredients that come straight from nature:

1. Aloe Leaf Juice has soothing, anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties, making it suitable for minor cuts, scrapes, burns, sunburn, acne, dermatitis, and irritated skin. Aloe is an excellent moisturizer for all skin types. It helps keep the skin supple and increases the strength and repair of skin tissue, which makes it excellent for reducing signs of premature aging. It’s rich in mucopolysaccharides (naturally occurring sugars that keep the skin moist and plump), minerals, amino acids, and enzymes… All great qualities for improving skin!

2. Arnica Flower Extract has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that reduce pain and swelling and improve wound healing. When applied immediately after a trauma, it can prevent bruise formation by healing damaged capillaries. Skin-wise, Arnica enhances the appearance of dark under- eye circles, dry, flaky, sensitive and blotchy skin.

3. Chlorella (Green Algae) Extract is a freshwater algae and contains 19 to 22 essential and non-essential amino acids. Its beneficial properties help purify and energize the skin. Chlorella keeps the skin supple by inhibiting the enzymes that break down collagen and elastin. Due to its high levels of chlorophyll, it helps shield the body from UV radiation from the sun.

4. Amethyst Powder is a fine gemstone powder used in skincare (and it’s also my birthstone). When properly made, it is much larger than nanoparticles so does it not carry any of the possible risks associated with nanoparticles, yet is small enough for gentle micro-exfoliation without scratching the skin. Amethyst triggers microcirculation and improves the complexion by fighting against the effects of stress.

5. Pineapple Fruit Extract is a fresh fruit extract with great anti-inflammatory effects. Pineapple is a natural source of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme (meaning it digests proteins). Bromelain hydrolyzes proteins and digests only the dead cells on the surface of the skin, leaving living cells beneath intact. For this reason, it is suitable for even the most sensitive skin types.

6. Acerola Cherry Fruit Extract is a fruit extract from the “health tree.” Acerola berries are the richest known source of vitamin C. In addition to its vitamin content, acerola contains mineral salts, which have been shown to aid in the remineralization of tired and stressed skin, whilst the mucilage and proteins offer skin hydrating properties, promote capillary conditioning and fight cellular aging.

7. Olive Leaf Extract is supercharged with polyphenols (antioxidants) which are amongst the most potent, natural free-radical scavengers that ward off premature aging. Olive leaf extract has strong antibacterial and wound healing properties.

I have found all 7 of these ingredients are truly beneficial for our daily skincare regime. And, that is why you’ll find all of these ingredients in The Spa Dr.’s Daily Essentials skincare system. Available now! Click Here to learn more.


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Reader Interactions

      • HI Yoga//cindy,, aloe gel works inside & out of body,, it’s easy to grow, inside or outside. When I get cuts, burns, take a slice of aloe, tape to the area heals quick. Use the gel all over a sunburn & on wrinkles for tightening. I always throw it in my smoothies. Arnica gel works best outside as she states. Take Chlorella tablets (broken-cell kind) and you can throw them in the smoothie too. Numbers 5,6 & 7 best in dropper form, love eating Acerola cherries . Olive oil on skin too. Just started using Amethyst powder, besides smoothing skin better than those plastic pellets companies are using which is bad for environment as all plastic is,, I feel in that love and above space from the Amethyst crystal energy. Hope this helps.

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