How Consuming Too Much Sugar Can Affect Your Skin

How Consuming Too Much Sugar Can Affect Your Skin

What does sugar do to your skin? I steer clear of refined and added sugars. Not just because of general health concerns – but because of how they adversely affect my skin.

Consuming a diet rich in such sugars is almost inevitably linked to a range of skin problems. Don’t believe me? Keep reading to discover these scary sugar facts and the alarming ways sugar ruins your skin. The effects of sugar on skin may surprise you.

With a few dietary changes, you can get beautiful skin in no time!

INFLAMMATION: Is sugar good for your skin? Far from it. Sugar is notorious for its highly acidic nature, and is a major culprit in causing bodily inflammation. But how does sugar impact your skin specifically? When sugar spikes your blood sugar levels, it sets off a chain reaction of inflammation. This often manifests as breakouts, making it a critical concern as sugar can cause a rash or other skin issues.

To safeguard your skin, it’s wise to avoid refined sugars and foods with added sweeteners like cane sugar, agave syrup, molasses, maple syrup, and honey, especially if you’re prone to skin flare-ups. For a safer touch of sweetness that won’t provoke the harmful effects of sugar on the skin, consider fresh fruit or natural sweeteners like Stevia.

WRINKLES: A diet high in sugar can have detrimental effects on your skin, particularly by damaging elastin and collagen molecules, which leads to an increase in fine lines and sagging skin. Sugar creates wrinkles by affecting what type of collagen your skin is composed of. The most abundant collagens in the skin are types I, II, and III. Type III is the most stable and longest-lasting plump wrinkle-resistant collagen.

When we are young, our skin has a great deal of type III. Consuming a high-sugar diet accelerates glycation, converting robust type III collagen into the more delicate type I, thus leading to the formation of wrinkles. Join me as I comprehensively dissect the core factors that contribute to the onset of wrinkles and fine lines.

BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE: Sugar triggers dramatic and swift fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, setting off a rollercoaster inside your body! Whenever you eat foods with high sugar content, your blood sugar rises rapidly. Then, once insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar, is released into your cells, it falls again. The aftermath of a sugar crash usually involves feeling ravenously hungry, experiencing trembles, and undergoing mood fluctuations.

Every time this happens, your body experiences internal stress, which often leads to breakouts and dull-looking skin. To protect yourself and maintain balanced blood sugar levels, eat meals that contain plenty of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Looking for something healthy and delicious that will balance your blood sugar and care for your skin and body? Check out the 19 best foods for your skin.

FREE RADICALS: Free radicals serve as the catalysts for inflammation and disease, setting off a chain reaction of bodily distress. Studies have linked high-sugar foods and high-sugar diets with creating free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are essential fighters in the war against free radicals, and foods with natural sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, are excellent sources.

Follow a plant-based diet as much as possible, avoiding foods with added sweeteners, to boost your antioxidant levels and help your body win its fight against free radicals. Combat free radical damage from the inside out by using a pure source of omegas like The Spa Dr. Astaxanthin + Omega Krill and use an antioxidant serum like Nourish to help combat environmental damage on the outside.

REDNESS AND RASHES: Can too much sugar cause a rash? Absolutely. The inflammatory properties of sugar not only lead to red, irritated skin but are also a key factor in many skin conditions. Those suffering from rashes or prone to yeast imbalances often find the root cause in a diet high in sugar.

To promote clearer skin, cutting out refined and added sugars is crucial. Instead, focus on incorporating beautifying green vegetables and fiber-rich foods into your diet. To learn more about the root causes of redness and rashes check out my book Clean Skin From Within.

DEHYDRATION: Collagen is what keeps your skin looking young and wrinkle-free, but sugar attacks and eats collagen at the cellular level. This has a dehydrating effect on your skin and makes it look dull. And, of course, dehydration also leads to premature wrinkles. Sugar also sucks the water from your body’s cells, leading to dry, puffy skin and those terrible under-eye circles that we all hate. In addition to drinking plenty of water stay hydrated, and avoid eating sugary foods, especially when you want to look your best.

DIGESTION PROBLEMS: Many people experience digestive issues after eating sugary foods, such as gas or a stomach ache. This is because sugar is very hard on your digestive tract, thanks to the fact that it creates inflammation and flora imbalances in the gut. Besides, sugar cannot be broken down into nutrients beyond pure glucose. Once the glucose is gone and your blood sugar spikes, sugar creates a toxic state in your stomach. And, any time food doesn’t digest well, it shows in your skin. Eliminating sugar tends to lead to a better functioning digestive tract, a healthy microbiome, fewer food cravings, and better skin.

BREAKOUTS: Does sugar cause acne? Indeed, it does. Sugar sets the stage for acne to flourish in several ways. Initially, it heightens inflammation in the body, intensifying the redness and pain of blemishes. Sugar also disrupts the balance of your gut microbiome, leaving your skin more susceptible to acne. Additionally, spikes in blood sugar lead to increased insulin levels, which in turn trigger an overproduction of sebum in the skin and heightened androgen activity – both key factors in the development of acne.

The Spa Dr.® Approach

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I hope you enjoyed these natural beauty tips. Feel free to share them with your friends, and spread the word to promote natural beauty.

I would love to hear about your story. Which hormones are affecting your skin and health right now? And what are you doing to keep them in balance? Share your comments below!

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Reader Interactions

  1. awesome article well explained about sugar and the effects on wrinkles,free radicals,redness rashes on skin no one is aware of this symptoms are related with intake of much sugar. my personal experience i die for sugar wherein i was suffering from rashes and did consult many dermatologist but no issue but your article does helped me. thanks

  2. Thanks. I will stay away from sugar. I have been having weight gain, unexplained itching. I believe sugar is the cause. As of today no more sugar of any kind.

  3. Thank you for this article. I have been itching and couldn’t quite tag what is doing it. I WAS sugar-free for years, but lately have added the occasional sweet in because I figured ‘why not?’ A month or so ago I started itching – a little at first in the head, more and more as time went on. I have now scratched raw, and noticed today that about 2 hours after eating a cooky, made with sugar, I started itching and my face is hot. I am hoping this is the cause – it makes me avoid sugar (mentally – if I have a good reason NOT to eat it, then I won’t – LOL!). Hoping getting rid of it will ease the itching over time. BTW, bentonite clay mixed with charcoal and spread all over helps immensely.

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