The Beginner’s Guide To Podcasts + The Spa Dr. Show

beginners guide to podcasts

One of the things I love about the on-trend podcast movement is that you can listen to your favorite talk show anytime, anywhere. Here is my beginners guide to podcasts to help you understand the ins and outs of maximizing the benefits of this fantastic industry.

That’s because podcasts are SO MUCH more than a regular radio station.

Today there are hundred of thousands of podcasts covering every imaginable topic like history, health and wellness, serial dramas, business and marketing, skincare, and comedy… and it’s all free. It’s like having your own on-demand, customized radio station.

So, What Are The Basics?

All you need to get going is a smart device and a podcast player app that you install on your phone. Once you set up your podcast player, you can see “what’s hot and trending” or search by topic.

Next “click” on the episode of your choice and then download it and listen or save it for later. You can even subscribe to a channel like The Spa Dr. on your podcast player so you don’t miss a single episode.

You can also go straight to YouTube to access select video podcasts. It really is so simple.

Here’s a list of the top podcast players for your smart device.

  • Google Play Music – FREE
  • Apple Podcasts – FREE
  • Spotify – FREE

There are desktop players too, if you want to listen in from your home computer. Check out:

  • iTunes (integrates with Apple) – FREE
  • gPodder (integrates with Android) – FREE

How To Get More Out Of The Spa Dr’s Podcasts

  1. Listen during your commute. It will make the time pass so much more pleasantly plus you’ll be educated and motivated when you arrive at your destination.
  2. Take The Spa Dr. with you when you go to the gym. There are so many expert guests and insightful information it’s bound to keep you engaged and entertained.
  3. As you’re listening to an episode of The Spa Dr. podcast, choose at least one idea that you can apply to your life right now.
  4. Share what you learn with your family, friends, and co-workers. It’s a great conversation starter.

To get you going, here are three of the most popular The Spa Dr. podcast episodes that I know you’ll enjoy:

The Scary Facts About Sugar And Your Skin

3 Keys For Natural And Effective Skincare

26 Natural Beauty Tips

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