The Story Behind the Spa Dr.’s Founder Dr. Trevor Cates

oils for skin care

I've always had finicky skin.

Dr. Cates as a child

I've always had finicky skin.

As a child, I tried multiple medications that made me sick or exhausted.

As a child, I tried multiple medications that made me sick or exhausted.

I needed to take a closer look at what I was putting in and on my body.

Dr. Cates then and now

I needed to take a closer look at what I was putting in and on my body.

Which led to my journey to becoming a Naturopathic Physician.

Dr. Cates Graduation

Which led to my journey to becoming a Naturopathic Physician.

Where I got to work at luxurious spas like the Waldorf Astoria.

Dr. Cates working at the Waldorf Astoria Park City

Where I got to work at luxurious spas like the Waldorf Astoria.

Which led me to create the Daily Essentials 4-Step Skin Care System

The Spa Doctor. classic collection daily essentials 4 step system

Which led me to create the Daily Essentials 4-Step Skin Care System

And then write my best-selling book Clean Skin From Within.

Clean Skin from Within and friends
And then write my best-selling book Clean Skin From Within.

And appear on multiple television shows such as The Doctors.

Dr. Cates on The Doctors Show
And appear on multiple television shows such as The Doctors.

Today I get to help thousands of people achieve clean, healthy skin by sharing podcast episodes with expert interviews, our information-rich blog, and The Spa Dr. brand of products.

Dr. Trevor Cates

Today I get to help thousands of people achieve clean, healthy skin by sharing podcast episodes with expert interviews, our information-rich blog, and The Spa Dr. brand of products.

Natural skin care isn’t just about avoiding toxic ingredients. It’s also about getting real results. I personally wouldn’t settle for anything less, and I don’t expect you would either.

If you struggle with imperfect skin (and who doesn’t?), you know how incredibly frustrating it is to deal with things like redness, bumps, fine lines, and skin discoloration. And if you’ve tried conventional treatments to deal with skin issues, or tried to cover up with concealers and makeup only to be disappointed – you’re not alone.

I’ve always had finicky, sensitive skin. I had bumps, hives, and eczema as a child, acne as a teenager, and rosacea in my 30’s. You name a skin issue, and I’ve probably had it. The itching and discomfort I experienced as a child was awful, but what really hurt was the hit to my self-esteem. I was embarrassed by my skin and never felt like a normal kid.

I tried so many medications, which made me feel worse, and I developed allergies to a lot of them. But, after years of antibiotics, antihistamines, and topical steroids my parents introduced me to a natural, holistic approach that changed everything.

As if by magic, my infections, allergic reactions, and itchy skin rashes disappeared. My skin cleared up, and I finally found some relief, both physically and emotionally. For a time, my skin was healthy, happy, and glowing. That all ended the day I started using makeup and skin care products.

Little did I know how bad my skinflammation and skin reactions would be to most skin care and beauty products. Just when I thought my skin problems were behind me, my body made it perfectly clear that the typical approach to self-care and skin care routines were not going to work for me.

I needed to take a closer look at what I was putting in and on my body.

This journey lead me to pursue medicine and becoming a Naturopathic Physician. And during my studies, I realized that I wasn’t alone. I discovered many people suffer from skin conditions, and seek conventional help only to not get the results they hoped and paid for. And some people end up worse off than when they started.

That’s not ok! I certainly never want my three kids to have to experience what I’ve been through. And, I don’t want you to either.

Over the last two decades, I’ve helped thousands of patients improve their self-care, lifestyle, and overcome underlying issues plaguing their health and skin. And, I became known as “The Spa Dr.” after working in world-renowned spas like the Waldorf Astoria Spa, Park City.

The concept that’s guided my practice, and now The Spa Dr., is simple. Your skin is a magic mirror that gives you great clues about your overall health. Pay attention to the clues your magic mirror gives you, and you’ll be able to improve your health and enjoy clear, glowing, more naturally youthful-looking skin.

When you combine inner nourishment with a high-quality skin care routine, changes will appear right on the surface of your body – on your skin (aka your magic mirror).

You can learn more about how to improve your skin from the inside out on our blog or in my book, Clean Skin From Within. And if you want a high-quality skin care routine, I suggest you try our Daily Essentials Skin Care System.

I created the Daily Essentials Skin Care System really out of necessity. I never planned on creating a skin care line. But, when I couldn’t find or recommend skin care products that were natural, non-toxic, and really worked… I either had to continue using and recommending problematic products or create my own.

And in 2015, after several years of research and development, we introduced The Spa Dr. skin care line. And, I must admit, we were blown away by the response. We knew the products met stringent criteria, but it’s our customers who really let us know the results.

What was the criteria? 1. they are free of hormone-disrupting chemicals and toxins, 2. they contain key nutrients in their pure, active form, and 3. they are the perfect pH for healthy skin.

Most products fail to meet even one of these criteria, much less all three, which is why we take such incredible care when making them.

You can have a simple skin care routine that’s easy, affordable, natural and give you visible results, regardless of your skin type or age. You just need the right products. And you can get them right here at The Spa Dr.

As I’m closing in on my 50th birthday, I realize having radiant skin doesn’t get any easier with age. But, that doesn’t mean you have to look older than you really are. You just need some inner and outer nourishment to support graceful aging, a clear complexion, and your natural beauty. And, here’s some more great news… all of this gives you the confidence to let your inner radiance shine even brighter. After all, that’s where your real beauty is!

Dr. Trevor Cates

Dr. Cates Signature

P.S. Quick tip… before using any of The Spa Dr. products, be sure to take a before selfie so you can see, for yourself, the difference in your skin 30 days later. If there’s one thing our customers love to rave about, (and deservingly so) it’s how much smoother, brighter, and more radiant their skin feels and appears – with little to no makeup on – after they use the Daily Essentials. It’s an incredible confidence booster, and I’d love for you to experience it too.

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