Secrets to Glowing Skin and Natural Beauty… in Your Kitchen!

Kitchen Skin

7 top foods to nourish your skin

When looking for a healthier and natural approach to care for your skin, the ingredients you need for a fresh start are most likely already sitting in your fridge or pantry!

With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a daily routine that is free of chemicals and great for your skin inside and out. Start using these foods today and keep your skin free of blemishes and signs of premature aging.

1. Avocado The fruit that’s often mistaken for a vegetable is packed with hydrating oils, antioxidants and vitamins. A ripe avocado can be instantly transformed into a moisturizing mask. Simply scoop out and mash one with a fork and apply it to clean skin. Add a squeeze of lemon to freshen up and enhance effects.

2. Natural Honey is a superstar ingredient that you’ll almost always have in your kitchen. A natural humectant, honey keeps moisture in, which makes it ideal for hydrating your skin. For a quick and easy moisturizing mask, simply warm a jar of natural honey in a pot of hot water and then smooth the warmed honey (make sure it’s not too hot) across a clean face. Let sit for 10-20 minutes, and then remove with warm water.

3. Oats contains 18 different amino acids, which are essential to healthy skin. Amino acids act as building blocks for the body, helping to rebuild tissue and promote healing. Your face can absorb amino acids from the oatmeal in a facemask, making it an ideal ingredient to help heal blemishes and repair damaged skin. For an easy skin-soothing oat face mask, simply grind 4 Tablespoons oats (until coarse but not powdery), add to ½ Tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 1 Tablespoon natural honey. Mix ingredients together, apply onto damp skin, leave for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

4. Coconut oil is one ingredient you should always keep on hand. A multitasking lubricant, coconut oil is as effective in cooking (try it with your next stir-fry) as it is for moisturizing dry hair and nails and even as an all-over body hydrator. Simply apply unrefined organic coconut oil to the extra-dry sections of your body.

5. Chia Seeds does wonders for your skin. Chia’s natural oils combat acne, wrinkles, help promote smooth skin and even keep your hair, nails and metabolism in good shape! You can enjoy this food internally in smoothies and salads. It’s great to apply topically too. Here is one of my favorite chia skin recipes.

6. Blueberries. Eating blueberries not only taste good but can make you look radiant as well because they increase circulation to help your skin glow. That deep blue color that makes blueberries so gorgeous translates to helping your skin look beautiful too. The phytonutrients in blueberries are potent antioxidants that help reverse oxidative damage (and signs of aging). Mashed blueberries are a great addition to a facemask or healthy smoothie.

7. Mango other than bringing a healthy glow to your face, mangos also help to lighten and brighten skin. Mangoes help treat acne by opening the clogged pores of the skin. Once these pores are opened, acne formation will eventually stop. Unclogging the pores of the skin is one of the most effective ways to eliminate acne. To enjoy this benefit, remove the mango pulp and apply it on the skin and leave on for 10 – 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

And here’s some extra good news… you can eat all of these foods for internal nourishment for glowing skin too!

Looking for additional support and natural skincare for clear, youthful looking skin? The Spa Dr.’s Daily Essentials skincare system is available now! Click Here to learn more.


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