On Today’s podcast we’re discussing Chinese Medicine and Facial Teishin as natural beauty tools.
My guest is Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy who is a Naturopathic Doctor, East Asian Practitioner, cosmetic acupuncturist, and maker of the facial teishin beauty wand. She believes beauty is a feeling of empowerment, authenticity, flow, glow, and ease. With her combined background in biomedical engineering, art, and natural medicine she finds creative health solutions utilizing the best in both ancient and modern medicine. To help her patients achieve results, she educates them in beauty tools, skin care, food as medicine, and natural medicine.
In this interview, Dr. Ellerie explains patterns on the face and what skin issues (such as eczema and acne) showing up on specific areas can reveal and how to address them using Chinese medicine and natural medicine. She also does a demonstration of how to use her facial teishin beauty wand for a self-facial. I follow along with her and you’ll send at the end how relaxed we are and the impact it has on our skin.
This is such a great facial treatment for both personal use and we’re starting to train select estheticians on how to provide The Spa Dr. Signature facial using facial teishin.
So, please enjoy this interview and be sure you watch until the very end so you can watch the facial teishin demo!
To learn more about Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy
Website: doctorellerie.com
Social Media Links:
Instagram: @doctor.ellerie
Facebook: Doctor Ellerie Natural Medicine
To Get your own beauty tools and get 20% off, Click here: Use Code SPA20
Chinese Medicine and Facial Teishin
Dr. Trevor Cates: Welcome to The Spa Dr. Podcast. I’m. Dr. Trevor Cates. On today’s podcast we are talking about Chinese medicine and facial Teishin as natural beauty tools. My guest is Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy, who is a naturopathic doctor, East Asian practitioner, cosmetic acupuncturist and maker of the facial Teishin beauty wand. She believes beauty is a feeling of empowerment, authenticity, flow, glow, and ease. With her combined background in biomedical engineering, art and natural medicine.
Dr. Trevor Cates: She finds creative health solutions, utilizing the best in both ancient and modern medicine. To help her patients achieve results, she educates them in beauty tools, skincare, food as medicine and natural medicine. In this interview, Dr. Ellerie explains patterns we can see on the face and what skin issues like eczema and acne showing up in specific areas can reveal and how to address them using Chinese medicine and natural medicine.
Dr. Trevor Cates: She also does a demonstration on how to use her facial Teishin beauty wand for a self facial. I follow along with her and you will see at the end, how relaxed we are and even the impact it has on our skin. This is such a great facial treatment for both personal use or even starting to train select estheticians on how to provide The Spa Dr. signature facial using facial Teishin. So please enjoy this interview and be sure to watch until the very end so you can watch the facial Teishin demo. Please Enjoy.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Ellerie, It is so great to have you on The Spa Dr. Podcast. Welcome.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Thank you. It’s my pleasure to be here.
Dr. Trevor Cates: I am excited to talk to you because you are similar to me, you had your own issues with skin that led you into natural medicine, that led you to become a naturopathic doctor and become interested in that. Can you tell everybody a bit about your story? What drew you into being interested in this area?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Right. I came to natural medicine in a roundabout way. I was a biomedical engineer before I was a naturopathic doctor. I saw how hospitals are run and patient care. It just felt like there wasn’t soul to the medicine and that the doctors weren’t happy either. Long story short, the recession happened, I lost my job and my acupuncturist said you should be a naturopathic doctor.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: I was already using acupuncture to treat stress and I had terrible acne. I had acne from a teenager, all through my late twenties. Once I started naturopathic school, then I found all these other ways to treat myself holistically. I wasn’t even necessarily trying to treat my acne. It just went away. It was like a miracle. All of a sudden I had clear skin for the first time in years and years and years.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah, and I love that story. Of course, that lines up so much, with what was happening with my patients and why I ended up writing the book, Clean Skin From Within. Because my patients were talking about their skin and they were so surprised and I felt like not many people were realizing the connection between skin and our overall health.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Our skin is this outer reflection of inner health. You discovered this firsthand and it has been part of your journey for sure. You also have interest and experience in Chinese medicine. That is one of the things I really want to focus on today is using Chinese medicine with the focus on the skin, how it can help the skin. And it is a different approach, right?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. It is a different language. After I finished naturopathic school, I knew I had to do Chinese medicine. Then I went back to school for Chinese medicine and I learned this whole new philosophy around how to take care of yourself and about what balance means.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Chinese medicine is all about balance and it’s using elements that reflect where our imbalances are. There is dryness, there is dampness, and there is coldness. Then you have things like yin and yang, which can translate to having that youthful plump skin or having the opposite of that when you lose that plumpness and it is that gaunt look. Then yang is the circulation and the vitality and the glow of the skin. You can look at all these elements and how they play into issues with the skin.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. I want to talk to you about that because it is not something we have talked a lot about on The Spa Dr. Podcast. When you are looking at someone’s face, you’re looking at someone’s skin. What exactly are some of the signs that you are looking for, when you are looking at Chinese medicine and how do you use that specifically to treat it?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Right. Let’s use eczema as an example because eczema can be really stubborn and it can present on the face. But eczema is treated differently depending on how it presents. If the eczema is really red, that’s going to be heat. If it’s itchy, that’s wind, if it’s not red, but it is kind of puffy, that is dampness. Then also the face has a map on it and different regions correlate to different organs. They can tell us different hints about which organ system needs to be either tonified or is deficient and needs some nourishment.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. When you talk about dampness and heat and wind, those are all Chinese medicine elements that you treat with certain acupuncture points. And helping with the achieved flow in the meridians and also Chinese herbs. It is almost like speaking a different language.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: I think of Chinese herbs like writing a poem to the body and the body responds to it by going into balance again. They are very specific to each person and each person might need just a slightly different formula, but you can also use herbs topically to shift a person’s skin condition. If a person has heat trapped in the skin, you can use those herbs to vent the skin and release that heat. So there’s ways of using herbs internally and externally.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Would you use the same herbs internally and externally, or would you use different ones if someone had heat issues on their skin with eczema, would it be the same herbs or would it be different ones because they are internal versus the ones you put on skin?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah, that is a good question. Most of them are different. There is some overlap, but there are different formulas. Even Indigo, the blue dye is based on a Chinese herb, and that can be used topically. Of course it is going to make you a little bit like a blue man, but it can be used for heat, externally, but it is used less internally.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Right. What are some other examples of some of these herbs that you would use topically?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: You could use Fung Chi chi. There are so many in. They just go specifically to whether it’s blood stagnation, whether it’s chi, stagnation, dampness. For every single diagnosis, there is not just one herb, but usually a formula of herbs that work together like a team and to send that message to the body and rebalance it.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. This isn’t something that people can easily pick up and learn on their own. It is really something to work with a Chinese medicine practitioner, somebody like Dr. Ellerie, that really had the education and understanding experience because it is like learning a whole other language. It is not even similar to naturopathic medicine. It is just a whole different understanding of the body and the systems.
Dr. Trevor Cates: I know people have been trying to simplify it for centuries, probably thousands of years to make it even simpler, but it is definitely a beautiful tool to use. I would love to talk more about the specific areas of the face and how they relate to different organ systems. Can you talk more about that? Explain that to us.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. Each area of the face has a different organ that is related. The middle of the brows here, is related to liver and gallbladder. If you have one line that indicates that you are more of a livery type person, the first two lines, like eleven, that is more of a gallbladder type. So every single facial feature has an organ system. Then within that you can even find more information.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. What about if someone is breaking out in acne, in certain areas of their face, does that indicate different things?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yes. Because acne can be from really two different organ systems. For some people with food sensitivities, you might see it in the small intestine area and it might present on the jawline. You can see hormonal issues happen on the chin.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: And there is overlap between naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine. Some of the language is different, but, the treatments would be okay if you are having an issue with your digestion. It is more of a small intestine issue. We can target that by both diet and supplements and herbs that relate to that organ.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Then if the acne is red, then that is going to be heat. If it is deep and cystic, that would be more dampness. You can say you have digestion issues and you have cystic acne, like that would be a spleen deficiency. We would want to use herbs and diet to make your spleen happy.
Dr. Trevor Cates:Yeah. So interesting. Then dryness versus oiliness, anything that lines up with Chinese medicine along those?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. Oiliness is another form of dampness. Then dryness, it can be just simply dryness or it can also be related to too much yang, or too little yin, or heat.
Dr. Trevor Cates: When we talk about yin and yang, I think there are some people who may know what that means that some people might be confused by what that means. Can you explain a bit about that? Because I think when we talk about balance, it is really important for the skin. So the idea of yin and yang and the skin and the complexion is an important aspect, Right?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Absolutely. Yeah. Yang is heat, it’s movement so we can think of circulation. I think of like light versus dark, yang is very light. It’s airy. It’s more energetic. Where yin is really, it is more a fluid body. You think it is more watery, that can present as puffiness in the face, but it is also that youthful plumpness in the face. Everything has this extreme and then it’s balanced.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Then what we call deficiency. So yin deficiency looks like yang excess, and vice versa. You can also think of the energetics of like yin is more of like a heaviness in the body, a feeling of being stuck where yang might be more like anxiety or feeling more manic. That can translate not just to the physicality, but to also our mood and how we feel within our body.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah, absolutely. We have been talking a lot about from the inside out, so diet herbs, and addressing root causes and things like that too. But you also have beauty tools that you use physically for facials and physical treatments. I am so excited for you to talk about Teishin. Tell everybody about that.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Okay. I studied Japanese acupuncture, which is a form of needleless acupuncture. Most people would think, how could you do acupuncture without a needle, but it is actually using a really big needle, but it is not inserted under the skin, it is used over the skin. It is a very gentle way of getting chi to move. When chi gets stuck, that is when we get issues.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Any of those imbalances that I was talking about, there is always chi stagnation that is associated with that as well. The Teishin is a way of getting chi to flow and opening channels within our face, but it’s also a way of getting that energy to balance itself. Whether we feel sluggish or we feel anxious they get us back into that center.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Right. Okay. For people who are just listening, Ellerie is holding up, and I have one too, her Teishin tool. So you’re making these, why did you decide to start making these?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. When I was in college, I taught jewelry, making classes at the university union. We had a whole craft center, so I was a jewelry instructor. And when I got into acupuncture school, I saw these tools and I was like, I could make one of those.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: I wanted to make a facial Teishin because the ones that I were finding to buy were all made by men and they were all big and clunky and I wanted something that was more refined and felt better in my hands, which are little skinny lady fingers. I started making my own that are a little thinner and a little more elegant than other tools. Then I just started making them for my classmates and now I’m making them for everyone.
Dr. Trevor Cates: That is great. I absolutely love how you’ve designed these. Can you explain overall, and then I’d love to do a little demo, but how do you overall just use them? How do you know when to use them? How do you incorporate them when you’re seeing patients?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: When I’m seeing patients, I use this usually at either the very beginning or the end of the treatment. It is best to use it on naked skin, so no products, no makeup. What that does is it helps you feel the texture and the tone of the skin, because we want to feel the texture and the tone change to feel more open. It is really, really relaxing. It kind of puts people into that Accu Stony feel where everything just feels floaty. It is really nice to end a treatment because you leave feeling just really relaxed.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Right. I know that there has been some popularity in Gua Sha and skin rollers, other types of facial treatments, how is this different from those?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Right. The point of this is really just to balance and move chi, which extends to all the channels. A Gua Sha tool is the way that it is used for facial Gua Sha which is different from body Gua Sha. The facial Gua Sha is really meant to move lymph out of the face and then clear that toxicity, which can treat puffiness and other things. But this is meant more on an energetic basis and this really helps you connect with yourself or connect with your client in a deeper way.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. You have both silver and copper. Why did you do two different versions?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: The silver is more soothing. You can think of it as if you have too much yang or not enough yin. The copper is the opposite, if you feel sluggish you are too much yin, and it is also moving. And this is more clearing heat. So red faced, the Silver’s more heat. The copper is going to bring circulation in. You might have more of a pale face, feel like you can never get color in your face. As far as mood goes, the silver is really good for treating stress.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: In fact, the Japanese instructor that I learned this technique from lives in Tokyo and after there was the big nuclear meltdown after the tsunami, he went to the coast and just started giving people facials using his silver Teishin to treat their PTSD after their villages were destroyed. It sounds like it’s so simple and gentle, but it really works at a deep nourishing level where this is, if you wake up and you feel just really sluggish brain fog, you need a boost, this is the tool for you.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Okay. Awesome. I love this tool. I bought one from you. Then I started using it on myself, and on my daughter, we did it right before bed and I slept so well. I was so relaxed and I loved the way it felt. The estheticians and The Spa Dr. Team and I have been playing with it and have created a signature facial using your tool with The Spa Dr. products.
Dr. Trevor Cates: We are just about to start training estheticians on how to use the products in combination with your tool so that estheticians can actually start using this on their clients. I am so excited about this because I know stress is an all time high.
Dr. Trevor Cates: We all need that extra de-stressing and it is such a great way to move, to open up the chi and the meridians and that circulation and things in the face and have it relaxing at the same time. We have figured out a beautiful way to incorporate it as a cleanser first, and then like you said, it needs to be used on skin that doesn’t have makeup and product on it. Then we go through a whole treatment and end with a scalp treatment.
Dr. Trevor Cates: It is super relaxing and I’m excited to start training estheticians on how to do this. Thank you for creating that. I’m really thrilled about it. Today for our viewers, and I’m sorry if you are just listening, I would encourage you to go and hop on YouTube or go to TheSpaDr.com and actually watch the video because I want to have you walk us through how to actually do it.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Now I do have some makeup on, I have some tinted sunscreen on, so I won’t be able to do it quite as well as if I had a completely clean face, but I would love for you to walk us through it.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Awesome. I just want to say, I think that it is amazing that you are going to be sharing this with so many estheticians because the products, your face will just eat them up. All that nourishment is just going to soak right into the face because the face is going to be so open and ready for all those steps that you are going to do next.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Let’s learn the technique first on how to hold your tool. What you want is to have the tool in the center of your finger pad so that you can feel the skin on the sides of your finger on the front of your fingers still. Then some people are going to have more of a straight, and some people are going to have more of an angle depending on your thumb and finger size. Whatever feels best in that position. You can see that there is a little kind of spoon shape to it. That is so it fits right in your finger like that.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Then once you do that, let’s start with just a little exercise that helps you tune in to how to subtly feel with your finger. We are going to just go down the middle of our forearm and you can feel that there are different textures in different places. For me, it feels pretty nice and soft right here and the tissue under it feels open. Then it feels more boggy and it gets a little more rough as I go down.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Those are the subtle little changes that we are going to notice in the face. And as you keep on doing your passes, you are going to notice that those areas open up. Now that we have done a few passes, are you feeling kind of a difference?
Dr. Trevor Cates: How much pressure are you using?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: That’s a good question. It is really light. It’s just beyond the skin because there is the skin layer, the dermis, and then there is a layer in between the muscle and the skin. That is where a lot of our myofascial tissue is. We are going to be feeling the skin and the myofascial tissue.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: And that’s going to tell us what the textures and tones are, and really we are just looking for differences. You don’t even have to name it. You can just be like, Oh, that feels different. So I’m going to work in that area because it’s different from that other area.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Fantastic. Because I know sometimes people say more is better. Like exfoliation, but I have noticed that people would exfoliate really hard. You don’t need to press hard with this gentleness.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: So gentle. Yes. I usually start with my chin and what I’m going to do is little tiny strokes. I have the habit of pressing an area, but you don’t have to press. but it does. The point isn’t to stretch your skin, it’s just to feel that texture and tone and feel if it shifts. So for me, my chin is always a problem area. This was really helpful, but I ended up spending more time on it, doing these little strokes.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Once you get off your chin, you can do a big, long stroke, and then you can figure out what areas within that region need a little more love, which ones feel different. And for me, it’s right in here, that feels different. Then I would do little tiny strokes in that area, really gentle, really light. Once I feel like things are opening and shifting and the textures changing, then I can go back and do a big long stroke again. And it feels more uniform.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: The next pass that we can do is at the corner of the mouth, and then we are going to go back right by the ear lobe. For me, it is right in the middle of the area that feels a little stuck, a little different. So what are you noticing?
Dr. Trevor Cates: Right, around here, in this area here, is where I was noticing it felt a little stuck.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: It is interesting. Because sometimes the areas are acupuncture points. Like that’s an acupuncture point where you’re pointing to. So even though we don’t know it, we are treating acupuncture points and we are treating channels too. The next spot is the cheekbone. You are going to go under the cheekbone.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Sometimes you will have a line and it won’t feel like anything is different and you can just keep going up to a new area so you can spend as much or as little time as you need. Then kind of up and over the cheekbone.
Dr. Trevor Cates: My skin is so sensitive. You will see my skin get a little pink.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Mine does too. What that is, is it’s releasing heat. It is just a little extra trapped heat and that is going to go away within 10 minutes. And that was something that you didn’t need.
Dr. Trevor Cates: My face just feels really warm right now.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: The next area we are going to go to, is a problem area for a lot of people. It is the sinuses. If you have sinus issues, you might feel this area is really stuck. You also might notice once you start working on this area that your sinuses start draining while you are doing this.
Dr. Trevor Cates: You are just sort of moving around, not one spot, but just sort of this whole area here. Right?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. And sometimes one little area will feel more stuck than others. So you can always pinpoint an area. That’s feeling more open to me now. I think this is why people love this tool the most is that you can treat the eyes and puffy eyes and the skin and under eyes is the most thin and sensitive skin in the whole body. So really pause to make sure you’re gentle in this area and you’re not dragging. You’re just really lightly going over the skin. Then go under the eyes.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: And then the next move is to go right under the eyebrow. And under the eyebrow has a potent point that actually helps depuff under the eye. You always want to do it over the eye too.
Dr. Trevor Cates: I love those ones. It feels so good.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: It does feel so good. It’s so relaxing. I feel like we don’t even realize how much stress we hold in our eyes. Then you do something like this. And it’s like, Oh man, that felt so good. Okay. Then you can go out to the temples. This also is another area that just feels so relaxing.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Then we are going to go to our forehead. This point here is called Yin Tang. I call it the snooze button. If you have an overactive mind and you are just go, go, go, go, and you want to shut that down, this is the point. You are just going to go straight up the middle of your eyebrows.
Dr. Trevor Cates: It always used to be better for somebody else to do it for me. It is a little harder to do on yourself.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Some of these definitely, the ergonomics get a little tricky. Then from that point, we are going to do a sunset pattern up the forehead. Then we are going to keep going back to Yin Tang, the center there. Then we are going to go out in little arcs away from that point. This is the region where my face always gets red on my forehead.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: After I do this, when I’m treating clients, I always like to look at their face. Because you can see a difference. You can see more glow in one side and things shift. And sometimes it’s like, Oh, you look five years younger. Right. I have to do the other side.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Definitely you could see the circulation and the heat and the release. You know what is funny, is I didn’t notice this before. I don’t know if it is because we have the video right in front of us, but I was looking in the mirror and of course that redness is already going away. That pinkness that I had is already going away. But it is interesting. It will be different at different times, right? Depending upon what your body is going through.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Absolutely.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. There are a lot of allergens in the air right now. And so my histamine response, my allergic response is a little bit heightened. I am more of what I call the Emmet skin type. More like the immune system, allergies, inflammation. I think right now I am probably going through more of that. This is a great way to release it.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. When we go back to the other side, you can use either hand, it’s a little more awkward to use your right hand on your left side of your face. But if you feel ambidextrous, you can use your left hand and you can go over your lips. This one, I actually do like to stretch the skin. Because it just feels so nice. It just feels plumping and opening. You can do the bottom, you can go all the way over if you want.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: That is a lip smoothing move and then you would do the same pattern going up the face. It would be up to the cheeks up this line, keep on going out towards your hairline, then your sinuses, then under the eye, then over the eye. And then you would go back to the forehead and do another sunset pattern. Then the last move, which is maybe everyone’s favorite is that you go and you use the pointy side of the tool and then you just drag through your hair.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: If you tend to get the heat reaction, that histamine reaction, this can actually help release that extra heat that your body is holding. You can even sometimes feel a little spot on your forehead that feels more trapped, more heat than other areas. You can even focus on that if you really want to tune in. Just go up one side down the other and then back up.
Dr. Trevor Cates: I am going to have some good hair after this. It is like those little things like the little wire things you push on your scalp with the little balls on the end. Oh my gosh. So relaxing but better.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: If you feel like it, you can just drag your fingers down your neck at the end and just do a little neck and shoulder massage and just really pull that energy down, which just feels so nice and soothing.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Beautiful. Then also, you can use it on the neck too.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. There is a technique. I think of it as, forgive my manicure, it needs to be updated. Think of a chicken pecking. It is going to be right at the surface where you just feel a little bit of the tip of the tool and what you would do on yourself or client. This feels really good for clients, is that you stretch the skin with one hand and then you peck in this motion with the other hand and you want to focus on really tight areas.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: You can even pause on an area, if it feels like it’s all knotted up and then when you feel that area release a little bit, then move on to another area. We are getting into some Japanese medicine secrets here.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Love secrets. All right. I love it. Like we are showing here, I’m so relaxed right now. You can see it in my eyes I think. You can do this on yourself, but you there is also an opportunity for estheticians like we are doing with The Spa Dr. products to do some training on this and do it in a treatment. It is a little bit different, of course, when someone’s lying on the table and you are working it into a treatment, you want to make sure you are doing it the right way because the angle is going to be a little different and all of that.
Dr. Trevor Cates: With esthetician training, we will make sure people are up to speed on all of that. Well, Ellerie, it has been so great having you on. I feel like I’m going to need to go take a nap or meditate or something. This is a great thing. When I have done it before bedtime, which I think is a great time to do it. Any other tips or anything else you want to share about the Teishin tool or about Chinese medicine and the skin?
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Well, I really feel like the Teishin, while it has been used in Japanese acupuncture, is great for self care to tune into yourself. It’s great for LMT’s. It can be used by really any person who puts hands on people’s faces. With the state of the world right now, we need all the love and soothing we can get. This might be one way that you can really treat yourself or treat others.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yeah. And of course, with the concerns about the pandemic and people wearing face masks, there are definitely challenges around doing this treatment right now on people. But we are focusing a lot on self self treatments for now, but hopefully things will get better soon. When people will be able to take off our masks and enjoy more of these treatments on other people.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Why don’t you tell everybody where they can find out more about you. And you sell the Teishin tool, and you make all of these yourself. If everybody goes out and buys one, you might have to be patient. It is just Dr. Ellerie making these right now. We are trying to work on getting her a nice supply chain, availability for this so that she can scale, but yeah, be patient.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah, I hammer and file and Polish each one. I have a website, doctorellerie.com/shop and it has my facial Teishin available for purchase. I have a discount code for The Spa Dr. listeners, 20% off. Use the code Spa20. You can find me on Instagram, @doctor.ellerie. I also do telemedicine and I have my phone number on my website on Instagram. So if you are interested in a one on one consultation, let me know.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Okay, great. Well, thank you Dr. Ellerie. And thank you for the discount code. We really appreciate that.
Dr. Ellerie Jean Nagy: Yeah. This has been really fun.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Yes, absolutely. Thank you.
Dr. Trevor Cates: I hope you enjoyed this interview today with Dr. Ellerie and enjoyed watching us do a demo of the facial Teishin. Of course she shared her information on how you can go to her website. And we’ll also have that information up at TheSpaDr.Com under her podcast interview on the website. And if you are an esthetician and you’re interested in the training that we have available for The. Spa Dr. Signature facial, you can contact us.
Dr. Trevor Cates: Just reach out to us at support@thespadr.com, you just go to the website and go to the contact page and reach out to us. We will send you a link to the application, more information on how you can learn more about how to get trained. And for the rest of you, this is a great technique you can also do on yourself.
Dr. Trevor Cates: I know right now, Dr. Ellerie is making these by hand. So if she runs out, please be patient as she is able to make more of those. Thanks for joining me today. And if you haven’t already taken the skin quiz, I encourage you to do that. Just go to theskinquiz.com, find out what messages your skin is trying to tell you about your health and what you can do about it. Find out if you’re an Amber, Olivia Sage, Emmett, or Heath skin personality type. There’s some hidden keys and information in there, at theskinquiz.com. I also invite you to join the spa doctor on social media, on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, join the conversation and I’ll see you next time on The Spa Dr. Podcast.